Before you delve into this article, this is completely my own opinion and you all are allowed to have your own as well. But let’s just all be respectful to each other. Thanks. Now enjoy the article!
Dear meat eaters,
So I heard you eat meat. That’s cool. Wonderful. Lovely. Fantastic. You enjoy eating meat and hey, I respect you for that.
But, as you probably expected from the title of this article, I do not. I am a pescatarian which is basically a vegetarian that eats fish. Wait! Before you click away, this isn’t going to be an article or letter about why you shouldn’t eat meat or why I hate you for eating meat. Because I don’t hate you if you eat meat. That’s not something for me to judge.
For starters, I think I should explain how I became a pescatarian. This will probably help to explain things. In seventh grade, I got sick. At the time I didn’t know what it was but after the whole ordeal, I found out I had mono at the time. So when I got sick, I really couldn’t eat much. Once I did get over it, I had to basically reintroduce myself to food. At the time, meat was one of the things that made me feel more sick. So I kinda just stopped trying to eat meat. And I haven’t gone back to it since.
Now that that’s explained, I am going to ask a couple things from you. One of these is that you don’t judge me. Just like I am not judging you. Yeah, I know you probably haven’t heard of that reasoning for being a pescatarian. But here we are.
Another thing that I really wish you guys would not is to get the meat whose fumes are really potent. I mean honestly, I don’t care if you do as long as you aren’t actively trying to send the fumes my way. Just don’t be offended if I need to leave so I don’t get sick. This was true before I decided not to eat meat. For example, I could never handle the smell of pork roll or bacon really. But now that I don’t eat it, the smell just seems worse.
One last thing before I end this, please don’t make a bunch of jokes about people who don’t eat meat. I mean unless that person is okay with it. For me, I’m fine making jokes about it, as long as it doesn’t get old. For example, don’t offer me any of your meat and then laugh about it. Trust me, I’ve heard it all before. Like a lot. It gets pretty annoying.
But hey, this has turned into a psa of sorts. Hopefully this does help anyone to realize just the simple thing that we tend to forget about people’s diets. But keep in mind, all people are different so my views of this diet are not the same for everyone. But just try to be accepting and understanding of others. Thank you!
Your friendly pescatarian