"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
All too often, I find myself spending my time dwelling on the things I wish were different about myself, rather than on the qualities that make me proud to be who I am. Maybe it is because self-confidence has become a social equivalent to egotism, but regardless, we need to spend more time thanking ourselves for being who we are and what we have accomplished.
To my brain: Thank you for getting me through life’s unpredictable moments with my sanity intact. I promise to help you exercise every day, whether through reading, strategy or critical thinking.
To my heart: Thank you for staying strong through my less than easy relationships with friends, family and partners. Thank you for being powerful enough to provide room for everyone in my life, including myself.
To my legs: So maybe you're short, and maybe there is no gap between the two of you, but that hasn't stopped you from bringing me to class, to Dunkin', to my internship and back home. You may not be perfect, but you get the job done.
To my sense of humor: Thank you for sparking new and unforeseen friendships, and bailing me out of rough and awkward situations. You have been my crutch through trying times, and have created invaluable memories that I will forever cherish.
To my weight: I know we’ve had a rocky relationship, but I promise to spend more time appreciating you, instead of shaming you. You’ve given everyone more of me to love, and there is certainly no harm in that.
To my voice: You may be loud, but that is not always a bad thing. You have given me the ability to belt like Adele, and laugh like my mom, and for that I am eternally grateful.
To my hands: Sure you are small and stubby, but you have allowed me to touch and help so many people in my life. You can also get the coffee from the cup to my mouth, which is very important.
To my personality: Thank you for being so generous, so strong, and so outgoing. You have allowed me to make friends, maintain my integrity and embark on endless adventures. So maybe you're not for everyone, but who needs those people anyway?
And lastly....
To myself as a whole: I promise to spend more time each day complimenting you, instead of insulting you. I have come to realize, that everyone may have flaws, but we all have perfections as well. You have given me the ability to think for myself, indulge in tasteful luxuries, laugh until it hurts and love with all my being. If I have all this, what more could I possible need?