To My Best Friend:
Sure, we might be separated by time zones, but nothing’s going to stop me from talking to you about the seemingly irrelevant, but critically important details, like the type of gelato you ate today. If someone were to look at my phone, it might look like I'm in a relationship. From one-worded rapid fire to paragraphs when we can’t talk at the same time, I treasure your constant presence throughout my day, even though we cannot physically be in the same place.
No matter the distance, you will always be the person I tell all of my problems to, and I want you to know you can count on me in the same way. Thank you for being there at two in the morning when I sobbed my heart out to you, for listening to me patiently, and shedding your own tears, too. I know that I can share my deepest secrets, my worst fears, my greatest heartbreaks, and happiest successes with you, and you will share my emotions. It breaks my heart when I cannot physically be there to give you a hug when trouble comes your way. But know that in a phone call, text, or message, I would drop everything for you.
When we parted ways to different colleges, you were without a doubt my hardest goodbye. Most people struggle leaving their high school sweethearts, their parents, or even their dogs. But the fact of the matter is although I knew I would miss all of these people, I was saddest to leave you because I wanted to experience more years of school and new adventures with my best friend, my partner-in-crime, and my sister by my side.
Keeping a friendship alive is a two-way street and involves commitment, particularly when that sucker named Mr. Time Difference gets in the way. But I’ve never been worried about me and the “yin” to my “yang.” BFF, despite all of the amazing people surrounding me in college, you are somehow one of the people that inspire me the most. Perhaps because I’ve known you longer, or because I’m exceedingly excited to see how you change the world—nevertheless, when I see your dedication to friends, family, school, and service, it makes me want to get off my lazy butt and conquer the world, too!
I miss you tons. I’ll see a cute guy at school, fall up the stairs on my way to class as people laugh at me, run into crazy protesters at school, and I’ll immediately want you to be there to laugh with me in joy, embarrassment, and astonishment. I wish you were by my side, experiencing the same things. However, I know that college is about having fun and learning to be independent, and I know that since we’re in different places, we’ve been able to grow in our own ways, and help each other grow at the same time. Maybe it’s good that we’re at different colleges—the schools couldn’t handle the two of us as roommates!
Ultimately, I just want to say thank you, BFF. Thank you for letting me wake you up in the middle of the night when family issues are too much for me to bear by myself. Thank you for supporting me in the middle of my first heartbreak and for sending me girl-empowering Tumblr quotes to make me feel better. Thank you for encouraging me when I fail a chemistry quiz. Thank you for going on crazy no-sweet fasts with me, keeping me accountable when the freshman fifteen was way too real. Thank you for your care packages so I can stress eat all the foods that remind me of our beautiful home. Thank you for listening to my awkward boy situations as if you were right next to me and giving me advice. And, thank you, most of all, for being my best friend.
Lots of Love,
Your Best Friend