To My Best Friend,
Although we do not live just a few minutes away from each other and cannot see one another every day like we wish we could, you are still my best friend. You will always be my best friend because distance does not matter when one has a person like you.
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Thank goodness for modern day technology, because we can still talk every single day through our phones and social media. Because of this, you have remained my rock. Even though you do not live just a few minutes away, I can still "come" to you with my problems. But instead of driving over to your house, I just pick up the phone. Thank you for always answering and always making the most valiant of efforts to aid me in my issues and actually caring. I feel like every moment we get to speak is just that more special and not taken for granted.
Every time we see each other in person is a reunion, even if one of us only came to visit just two weeks before. It is just that much sweeter seeing you because we both know the time we have together will be limited to whatever break or weekend we are utilizing. We'll have our other friends or our parents take pictures and videos at each of these reunions, as if one of us had been off to war for the past year.
Are we a little dramatic in this way? Maybe so, but only if you think jumping into your best friend's arms and squealing like a piglet when seeing him or her for the first time in a month is an action dripping in dramatics. Well, alright. It totally is. Even so, to us, it's all real and we really are that overjoyed to see each other. I am pretty sure that I have injured myself more than one time running to you during these reunions, but that is really okay. I can suffer through a little bit of road burn or a stubbed toe to hug you as soon as possible!
You are my favorite person and I know that I am yours as well. I have helped you through issues with friends that are lucky enough to live near you, and you have helped me to deal with people around me as well. It is marvelous to always have an outside perspective on at-home issues, and we both know that we will not go easy on each other or sugar coat anything while giving advice. We are both tough people, and we can handle a lot. I mean, we've already been through so much together!
I believe our ability to remain so close and even become closer during this time of not living near each other just proves how strong our bond is. I honestly believe that we have only grown stronger. Although it is truly a struggle to not be able to speak to you face to face and hang around each other every day, I am just glad that I still have you. I would not trade you for the world.
I love you. You are my best friend, no matter what.
Your Best Friend. Always.