Dear LGBTQ Community,
I know what you're thinking. You think this article is about to condemn you, but that's not what this is about. Lately there has been a media war between the LGBT community and conservative christians, but the truth is that the opinions of those who are outspoken don't always reflect the thoughts of those who have kept to themselves. I'm here to tell you that there are so many christians that do not wish hate, suffering, or ill-feelings upon those who do not have the same sexual beliefs as us. Yes, the bible does say that homosexuality is a sin, but the bible also says to "love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31) and "Whoever says, “I love God,” but hates his brother is a liar."(1 John 4:19-20) I believe in the saying "Love the sinner, not the sin" , because I know that I have also sinned. We are all sinners, and we have all fallen short many times.
I want to tell you that just because you are not living in the traditional style expressed in the bible, God and I still love you. We have all sinned, but I, (nor you) is the person to pass judgements for that (that's actually an explicit power of God, and no one else, so I'm going to stay as far away from that task as possible). The hatred that is being spread as of late is misguided and I am sorry that so many of you have been turned away from the church because of this. You are all beautiful masterpieces created by God and deserve to be treated with love and respect from your brothers and sisters in Christ.
I want you to know that not every christian or every church condemns those who are sinners. The church was created to be a hospital for those who are sick (like us sinners) and not a sanctuary for the healthy. Those who are in a healthy and growing relationship with God are to be teachers and leaders to those of us who need Jesus or who are still working towards that relationship.
I promise you that if you do not give up on God and the church because of the hurtful words of those who claim to be christian, there are so many christians out there that have the same philosophy as me. Don't give up on the church because of sinners just like us who say hurtful things.
God says that no matter what sins you have committed, and no matter how far you have strayed from him, he will still love you. His grace is endless and I promise you that he will not give up on you or even those who are persecuting you.
A christian girl who loves you <3