For most of my life, I felt as if I didn’t fit in. I didn’t feel worthy to express who I was to other people, stand up for myself or even speak. My words seemed to be faded away by the reality of the world. I was alone.
Leading up to high school, I found myself the quiet kid with his nose always in a textbook. I wasn’t outgoing and didn’t know who I was as a person. I tried to get involved but nothing made me more than I thought I was. Then, in high school, I joined every club that was known to man, but I still didn’t feel appreciated. I became the president of a few clubs, honors societies, and organizations, but my words still didn’t make their way to anyone. I was known as the nice kid who would just nod and I wanted to change that.
In college, I broke out of the shell I was trapped in for 17 years. I put my name out there and redefined myself as a person. I fell in love with talking and having people actually listen. I ran for the Freshmen Class President spot at Mount Saint Mary College because I wanted to get more involved, but in the process, I discouraged myself thinking I wasn’t good enough, but once election day came and I heard the news, I was beyond ecstatic because I actually received the position. This opportunity taught me about leadership, time-management, and most of all, a sense of community. I learned to be myself and show people who I am as a person. I show people everyday that I am motivated and willing to learn, no matter the obstacle. I am me, and I’m proud of it.
Dear Alex,
You are awesome and you are motivated. You have the power to do whatever you want, and be whoever you want. You will continue to amaze people with your service heart and leadership skills. Be you and be proud of it. Go out and smell the rose, because time goes quickly, and you don’t want to miss out on the opportunities that await you. I’ve made some mistakes in my past, but I encourage you to follow your heart and speak so people can listen. Don’t be shy, be loud and proud, because whatever you do, make purpose out of it and never settle for just average. Keep being your awesome self and I expect a lot out of you. Prove to people that you are the best. Lastly, go sit somewhere else, there’s a spot over there just waiting to be taken.
Being apart of a student body such as this one gave me the chance to open up to the world. I am proud of the transformation I made from high school to college and I can’t wait to see what growth I will make in the future. Being a college student taught me how to be me. I would not change what I’ve learned here, the friends I made, and my experiences for anything else. I am Alex Perlak, I am nice, smart, sometimes crazy, awesome and most importantly, me.