Dear Kendall Jones,
This letter is far overdue, but the message I have for you is something I want the whole world to be aware of, I do not wish for your story and the outrage to fizzle out. I want people to remember your story and make and example out of you; and most importantly I want people to understand why you and your supporters are wrong.
For those of you who don’t know who Kendall Jones is, she is a beautiful young woman, and cheerleader from Texas Tech. Wow! I know right? She’s stunning and paints the perfect image of the “All-American Girl.”
Except Mrs. Jones isn’t as sweet as she appears to be. The girl next door's hands are stained with blood as she has committed several unethical acts of murder to various endangered species. Jones sparked up a lot of controversy on her Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter pages when she began posting pictures online posing beside some of Africa’s most endangered animals that she hunted and killed, including the white rhino, lion, elephant, leopard, and hippopotamus. She’s also killed monkeys, cape buffalo, mountain reedbucks, ducks, bobcats, antelope, crocodile, hogs, lynx, zebra, and more.
How can you shoot such a beautiful being and then have the audacity to take a picture with it smiling? How can you sit there and not be absolutely disgusted with your self? You are guilty of murders that all add up to the reason for so many of these amazing animals becoming endangered. The idea of conservation is to protect these endangered species, not kill them. I can’t even believe that what I see in these pictures is actually real, because you must have to be extremely mentally ill, or sociopathic to be able to viciously murder such a beautiful, innocent creature and hold it smiling with the same hands you used to take its life!
Kendall’s argument for killing wild, endangered animals, is that she claims to support species conservation, and that by hunting and killing them— she actually helps to conserve them? However, conservation by definition is the act of preserving, guarding, or protecting.
Your argument saying killing animals to protect and conserve them is like me saying the best way to cure HIV/AIDS is to kill everyone who already has the virus. Do you even know the definition of a conservationist? A conservationist is a person who advocates or promotes conservation, especially of natural resources. The only thing you're trying to conserve here is your right to hunt innocent animals! Your argument is false, and what you do is unethical, cruel, and despicable regardless of the law! You are not a conservationist in any way at all. You are a trophy hunter and a savage of a human being trying to cover it up to lull the public outcry against you.
And from her online presence including the dozens of photos she has posted of herself posing beside big game animals she’s killed, she displays being more of a trophy hunter rather than a conservationist.
What is most dispelaesing is when she’s confronted by animal conservationists, activists and concerned critics regarding the killing of endangered animals, her responses range from uncited assumptions about hunting being part of the solution down to irrelevant, passive backlashes including:
“They hate us cause they ain’t us” and, “Cry me a river. I hunt. It’s legal. Get over it.”
Your responses show nothing but denial, you are in denial because deep down you know what you're doing is inhumane and unethical, but your lack of sympathy is the reason you try to justify your horrid actions, you justify them just so you can continue to hunt and kill endangered species, without it causing a stir or dirtying your name.
Only months after the incident sparked public outcry jones began starring in her own Youtube series called “Game On” the show features Jones and a close friend setting out on hunting trips together. The first episode, a poorly-made jaunt to Lake Charles, La. for an alligator hunt, begins with the line, from Jones’ friend Taylor Altom: “I want to shoot a gator in the face.” The pair travel through the swamp in search of alligators for a weekend with the help of a local hunter. Heres a link to Kendall's YouTube channel.
As if it’s not enough that you kill a variety of endangered species you now have to make a YouTube series for people to watch, observe, and even look up to your actions. You now have viewers that tune into your youtube channel each week to see you kill endangered species, as you make jokes about shooting them in the face, some conservationist you are. How would you like it Kendall if the roles were reversed and you were the one being hunted? Yeah hunting doesn't sound so fun after all, does it?
Additionally, Jones and her family try to butter up the public with words on how they are actually helping the poor communities in Africa by hunting and giving them money.“Oh sorry that was the last one left, here’s ten grand grand to make it up to you.” Giving large sums of money to countries in Africa is great, but this does not make you a conservationist, and it cannot make up for the endangered life you just took!
If you are interested in Animal Rights and the conservation of animals check out and like the Purdue Peta Facebook page!