Dear Ivanka Trump,
From one young woman to another it is not in my nature to berate or degrade you. I just have such problem with how you, a fellow woman, can still proudly show support for your father. Your support still stands strong even after he publicly degraded you in front of the world and objectified you when he allowed Howard Stern to call you "a piece of ass". If a father, could talk about his daughter in this manner, it is only left to the imagination to wonder the things he has said or will say about other women. His tongue is that of a lethal weapon and he uses it as such, to tear down women who never once asked for his opinion on their appearance, weight or anything for that matter. His words only spew that of negativity and maliciousness simply because he feels like he can. But, still, you stand aside him proudly. With every photo you pose for, every fake smile you flash in our face you are sending the message to women that your father's comments and behaviors are okay. Instead of acknowledging his comments and admitting that they are distasteful, disgusting, sexist and uncalled for, you actually entertain them. You even "liked" an article on twitter discussing the comments your father made regarding yourself.
But what about those women in the world who are mothers, daughters, nieces, and cousins who have to look in the eyes of innocent young girls and explain why these comments. Who have to explain why women are not objects, or to be objectified by a man and that it is never okay or acceptable to think so. Who have to now defend what should be common knowledge that you are allowed to look the way you look comfortable and that doesn't make you "sloppy" or a "pig". What about the day you'll have to explain to your daughter that her grandfather often ranked women on a scale of 1 to 10 based on their looks, even making comments like "person who is flat-chested is very hard to be a 10". Will you explain to her that her grandfather made remarks such as "They said, 'how are you going to change the pageant?' I'm going to get the bathing suits to be smaller and the heels to be higher"? When she comes home with tears in her eyes, claiming that someone made these same comments to her, how will you handle the situation? Will you stand up for her or will you force her to be silent, like you've been?