“Who is your role model?”
I often get asked this question during job interviews. While for most questions I need some minutes to think about what to say, for this one I can answer immediately, without any hesitation: my mother. She is the strongest, kindest, and most selfless human being I know. She taught me to face challenges with determination and to stand up fiercely for what I believe. It has been three years now that I can’t be home for her birthday, so this is my gift for her.
Dear Mom,
You are absolutely the most amazing woman I know. Your perseverance, altruistic spirit, and good heart inspire me to be a better person. I hope to become at least half the woman you are now.
Since day one you have always been my biggest supporter. I remember I tried so many sports when I was little, hoping to find the one for me. Unfortunately, I got my athletic abilities from you, so even though I was probably the worst player in the team, you were always there cheering for me.
You have always encouraged me to follow my passion and you have done everything in your power to help me to follow my dreams. You were always sitting in the first row during my theater shows and dance recitals taking an embarrassing amount of pictures and forcing dad to record a video of my extraordinary performance. You are the one who secretly bought me books and journals when dad wasn’t looking so I could keep cultivating my passion for writing.
With your Sherlock Holmes investigative skills, you found me an original antique typing machine, the best gift I have ever received, and the thing I love the most in the entire world (after you, obviously).
You are an invincible hurricane. Nothing can stop you. During the tough times, you taught me to be strong and to never give up. As a fabulous working mom, you taught me to be independent and ambitious. I hope to find a job that makes me as happy as teaching to kids makes you. By asking my brother and my dad to do the dishes and help with chores, you showed me that men and women have equal rights and duties, and the place where kids learn to treat women with respect is the household.
Thank you for being my best friend. You understand me better than I understand myself. You have given me amazing guy advice and you always listen to my crazy stories without judging me. I feel we are the blonde and brunette versions of the Gilmore Girls, especially because you have (semi) willingly let me steal so many of your clothes that I basically own two closets now.
Thank you for being my rock and my shoulder to cry on. I know you will always be there for me, no matter what. Your arms were always open when I felt sad or my heart was broken, and you've never failed to cheer me up.
You have taught me so much in these years: to tie my shoes, braid my hair, cook delicious Italian meals, and separate the whites from the colors when doing laundry. You taught me to fight hard for my dreams and to believe in myself. You told me that through determination and hard work I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
Most of all, thank you for teaching what unconditional love is. You have always loved me for who I am with all my flaws and imperfections. You gave me so much without asking anything in return.
You have made the ultimate sacrifice of love for a mother, letting her daughter go. I know it was hard for you to see me getting on an airplane when I was 17 years old. I can still feel your pain when you help me pack my suitcase every time I need to go back to the States, trying to hide back the tears with a forced smile.
I know it's not easy to have a daughter who lives on the other side of the ocean and comes home twice a year, but I thank you for the bottom of my heart for letting me follow my dreams and for allowing me to fly high.
With love,
Your Daughter