To my Inner Child,
As a newcomer to the label of a 20 something in this wide, wide world, I am expected to do and be many things. An income is only normal, a full schedule of classes is reasonable, and learning to be fully mentally and emotionally equipped for all of life's quirks and improvisations is what a young adult like me should be focused on. Focus is a main term applied to the life of the young and ambitious, and while the drive and motivation in me is definitely rearing its head and roaring along with my spirit as I come into myself, you spin round in circles patiently waiting for the rest of the world to slow down.
As I pursue my regular ambitions in my daily life, its easy to rush through the motions and forget that you are waiting for me to stop the neglect I put you through. A combination of work, school, and a hectic social life leave little free time for me to allow you room to run before I hit the hay at night. The hustle and bustle of each day drains both of us. Its time to stop to smell the roses, so to speak, and recognize that you and I share many of the same needs. Your wants are valid, and can only seek to help us both.
We need a morning to wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy after a FULL night's sleep. We need to get dressed in the spunkiest outfit we can come up with, one that will allow room to dance and run and move freely. No more jeans! We need to get outside and get absorbed in the world around us, experiencing the wonder that comes from observing all the little inter workings of our surroundings. Time to turn off the cell phone and throw the to-do list to the back of the book bag. We need a day full of laughter, and smiles, and messy hair and dirty hands. We need to pet every dog we see and tell people that we love them because in those moments, we do. As a child, the moment is all that matters, and what is built from that is up to our imagination.
I'm sorry that I tend to get too wrapped up in the possibilities of the future and the memories of the past. I'm also sorry that sometimes I neglect your creativity and imagination by choosing to be "practical" instead. Your dreams are still relevant, and I need to learn how to incorporate them with the goals I deem "realistic" now. (Such a subjective term!) I promise to try to be less serious and more silly, because life is short and the days are long.
My inner child, you are one of the most important parts of me and I strive to see the world like you do, full of magic and mystery. You help me overcome the cynicism that can often come with becoming an adult and you help me to laugh at myself and the situations that need it. You deserve attention, love, and all the room to create and inspire that you need. I promise to work on recognizing this and giving both of us a break from reality every now and then.
Your Loving Counterpart