To the injury that changed my life forever,
In that moment, I hated you. I knew that when I hit the ground, that would be the end of my season. I knew that I had a multitude of casts and braces ahead of me. I knew that surgery was a possibility. I knew the sad, sympathetic looks that would follow. I knew the weeks of physical therapy that would ensue would be hell.
I hated you. I hated the player that caused you. A split second decision could have avoided all this pain and angst but no, here I am. I'm on the field, cringing in pain. I know it was all a mistake, no one player or god had a vendetta out for me, but still...I was bitter.
I hated you. You cost me the season and possible scholarships. I might have ended up a Division I athlete had I not gotten hurt. My whole future was thrown off because of this one injury.
But, I don't hate you anymore.
I wake up with random pains because of you, and my joints may hurt when it rains, but I don't hate you. I have nasty scars and permanent bruising because of you. I walk a little funky and can't wear certain clothing because of how you warped my body. But I don't hate you.
Because of this injury, I am who I am. I grew into a better person. I know how to forgive. I know how to work even harder, now with a disadvantage, to achieve what I want. I know what "good pain" feels like because I had to rebuild my strength. I know what it's like to get back out there, afraid that I might suffer the same fate.
I know what it's like to be at rock bottom. I know how it feels to have my whole life changed in an instant because of you. And I thank you for teaching me this.
With this knowledge, I can reach out and relate to people in ways I couldn't have before. I was used to being on the top, and now I'm grounded.
I am changed forever, both physically and spiritually, all because of one tragic accident and the time it took to recover. And I couldn't be more grateful.