Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Stress University where you will be put to the test every single day, miss out on sleep and question your sanity on a daily basis. Sound great? We are anxiously awaiting your arrival and hope that S.U. becomes the home for you that it has been for countless generations of students. We just need you to place your deposit of $579,056.00 to ensure your placement, and then you’ll be ready to begin your adventure as a Stress University Sloth!
Okay, back track a little. College is a wonderful period in your life that yes, might be stressful at times, but will also open your eyes to new experiences, opportunities and viewpoints. You will grow in so many ways and will have the newfound freedom to try new things, step or run out of your comfort zone and figure out that the only limitations you have are the ones you set before yourself. Right now you might be thinking that all college is all fun and games where you can take chances, make mistakes and not be reprimanded for your actions. Getting there is another story. Some students arrive with partying or joining sports teams in mind, whereas others move into their dorm with backpack in hand and a quest to fill their brain with knowledge. Whatever you are most excited for upon entering college for the first time in the fall, here are some things I, a recent graduate, would like to share with you.
When you arrive, you will show the world a smile but may very well be shaking and very nervous in reality. Let go of your tough exterior and realize that it is perfectly okay and very normal to be apprehensive as you first start out. Remember though, that while you might be anxious to begin your college career, you have already overcome so many “firsts” including learning how to walk, to losing your first little baby tooth to going off to kindergarten, elementary, middle and high school. You’ve done this before and the only real difference is that you are going to be living away from home in a new environment. It is scary. It is new. It may be uncomfortable. But it doesn’t have to be terrible.
Just like anything else, beginning your new life at college will be a challenge; one that you will overcome but will be based upon and determined by the attitude you possess upon entering. If you are optimistic and have an open mind, you will find that it will be easier to overcome adversity and tackle hard days. Coming in with a pout on your face and negativity radiating throughout your body may only be temporary. If this attitude has been instilled within you, however, you may find it harder to accomplish tasks, accept other people’s perspectives and conquer challenges that come your way without feeling completely and utterly defeated.
If you can be just the tiniest bit open-minded and have the ability to look on the bright side, you will be able to achieve greatness.
Starting at a new school can be overwhelming but you have done it before and can do it again! Bring pictures to remind you of home and make sure you call your parents/guardians. Tell them of all the new friends you make, the experiences you’re having and of the classes you are taking. When you feel alone, reach out. You might feel isolated in your little dorm room, but you are far from it. It isn’t always easy, but admitting that you need a friend, a shoulder to cry on, or reassurance that you aren’t completely insane is healthy and will help you to rationalize things that might not be going your way. If you are struggling, reach out and if you happen not to have made friends right away but need somebody to talk to, I guarantee there are resources on campus that you can utilize if you need something.
Struggling is inevitable, but doing it alone is something you don’t have to do. There are going to be so many people you meet throughout your college career who will be willing to help you overcome obstacles and celebrate successes. It is okay not to be okay. Please know that. Accept that you are only human and that there are bound to be days, weeks and perhaps even months that just aren’t going your way. Call someone, utilize campus resources/support groups, and be willing to accept that there may be things in life that you have no control over. But there are always things you can control, such as your outlook on life and the decisions you make.
College, just like any other thing in life will become what YOU make it. It isn’t always easy but if you work hard, play hard and are true to yourself, you will find happiness and success. Nobody is expecting you to be perfect; perfection doesn’t exist and if you are chasing what is unattainable, you will only end up miserable and disappointed. Strive to be the best version of yourself possible and do what is in your power to become better than you were yesterday. You may be told that you are not good enough or that your best isn’t perfect. Listen honey, YOU are more than enough and it is easier said than done to disregard the things others might tell you or do to try and bring you down.
Tune it out. Be the bigger person. You are more precious than the shiniest and most expensive diamond there is. You are not a grade you get on a test, or review you get on an assignment. Grades do not indicate your worth as an individual. Your professors and parents may try and convince you that they are everything. They are not! You are. Do your best and forget the rest. Be YOU.
Cherish and enjoy this journey you are about to embark on. Remember how truly special, loved and capable you are. You can do anything you set your mind to and I believe whole-heartedly that you will achieve greatness and do wonderful things as a college student. Keep an open mind and heart. Uphold your morals and individual values. Accommodate for change and respect altering viewpoints. Make the most of these four years because they truly will fly by.
From a recent college graduate who has so much faith in YOU,
Enjoy college and embrace every spectacular thing you are about to do.
(A picture from my freshman move-in day in the fall of 2012)