To Whomever it May Concern,
I am almost positive the feeling of leaving everything you are used to and comfortable with has hit you. However, do not worry because you are about to enter what many deem (including myself) as the best four years of your life, and I am here to give you a couple of pointers to prep you for this journey.
Your first couple of months of college everything will feel new and amazing. New places to visit, new friends to make, and new things to learn. Make as many memories as possible and have the most fun because once you get to your "sophomore slump" college can seem like a drag. College is all about finding yourself. So try things out of your comfort zone. The phrase "you won't know if you never try" comes into play in college.
Now let's talk about friends. The people you make and befriend the first couple weeks of school will more than likely not be your "best friends" by the end of your freshmen year. Now there are some outliers, however, you meet so many people constantly one of those people is bound to become a friend for life. On to the good part, you are probably going to meet some of the greatest people of your life here. College friends stick with you throughout your whole life.
I know you are probably dying to hear about all the wild parties. Well in college, especially during your freshmen year, there are a bunch of them. College is a safe haven for underage drinking and other illegal activities. Just remember one thing: you do not have to do anything you do not want to. Do not be afraid to say no under any circumstance. Thus, bringing me to my next point.
Sexual assault is college is very real, and it happens way more often than you would think. Whenever or if ever you go out to always check in with your friends and if you are not comfortable in the situation you are in say no.
On a more positive note, going away to college means no more mom and dad. You are free to do as you please when you please. Now all this personal freedom is great, however, your parents will not be on you all the time about grades or cleanliness, it is on you. College is time for you to take personal responsibility. Although you may have times where you miss being home, being away is probably the best thing for you.
Food. Probably the most important thing about college. NO the dining hall food is not spectacular but you must suffer through it. Going out to eat is nice every once in a while, however, it proves pretty costly if you do it multiple times a week. This probably my most important piece of advice: drunk food is very tempting and delicious but the "Freshmen 15" is real and that is one of the leading causes.
I hope your freshmen year was as good as mine was and I hope you make the most out of it.
A Former College Freshman