Dear bullies,
“You are a special breed of humans. You are a group of people that us "normal people" are afraid to even come in contact with. You scare us and you haunt us when we are thinking about the next encounter we are going to have with you. Your words hurt, your social media posts hurt, not inviting me hurts, turning my friends on me hurts, and most importantly -- you hurt me every day. Why do you do this? What is so bad about me that makes you want to be mean and hurt me? What happened to you that makes you a bully to everyone?”
The ones that you have hurt
I feel that this short letter is one that people who are bullied would write to that one person that continually brings them down. This is so relevant to the ones who are hurt by their peers daily and that are too afraid to go to school or work or even out and about in their hometown. It is sad that there are people in the world that are too afraid to leave their homes and enjoy life because of one person who wants to act like people’s feelings are nothing.
I hear people, ranging from elementary school age to adulthood, that have a problem with people bullying them. “Hurt” does not simply mean a physical hurt, but an emotional and psychological hurt. Bullies do not realize the impact that words have on their “prey.” Most people who find joy in hurting others have been hurt by something in their past. Whether it be divorce, parents who were mean to them (physically and emotionally), or their peers tearing them down. Ultimately, people inflict pain on others to see them hurt; in order to take away from the pain that they feel on a daily basis from the ones who surround them. No, it does not make their actions right, but it does mean that their words do not define you.
I now have a letter to those of you who have been hurt by a bully…
Dear sweet friend,
First let me start by saying that it is okay to be hurt by the things you hear. How could you not struggle when you are continually told hurtful words from someone you thought was your friend? But I can confidently say that you should not let it keep you down forever. You are strong, kind, beautiful, loving, and a much better person than the bully that took your confidence. Do not allow the labels of “ugly,” “fat,” “stupid,” “whore”, “stubby,” “idiot,” or even “giant” rule your life! I was once in your shoes, I know what it feels like to want to stay home and never leave again. But guess what? You are made for more than that. Their words do not define you, they are simply a tactic to make you feel just as bad about yourself as they do when the see their reflection in the mirror. The person you look at in the mirror on a daily basis is who you are. They do not know you, they do not know where you have been, and they will never know the plans for your life. You are awesome! You are a conqueror! You are great! And, you can -- and will -- get through this. Do you want to know how?
1. Look in your mirror every morning and say “I am beautiful” (or handsome).
2. Next, find people who build you up -- not tear you down.
3. Dress in a way that makes you feel beautiful, do not try to impress others.
4. Leave your house every day with your chin up and a smile on your face. (Sometimes a smile is the best medicine.)
5. Lastly, decide that you will have a good day and that you will not let others determine your attitude.
The girl who is rooting for you