I hate confrontation, but I’ve been bombarded on my Facebook from those who have different opinions than me. So here’s my very non-confrontational confrontation letter.
Yes, I voted for Trump. No, I am not a homophobe, misogynist, or racist. Glad we got that out of the way. I don’t hate anyone or anything. It really doesn’t bother me that you believe differently than I do. Do I agree with everything that Trump said? Maybe not. But I agree with a lot of it. Like I think we should have more border security, not to be racist, but to protect ourselves. If you’ve been keeping up with the news at all, Russia and North Korea are ready to go at it with us at any time. I would rather be overly cautious, than regretful. I agree that we need to get more jobs available, not have late term abortion, and how we should not have stricter gun control, but simply enforce the laws we already have. My biggest point about Trump is that he wants to focus on our military. I know personally many veterans and active duty soldiers who are unable to get medical attention, get a job after coming back, and even struggle with adapting to society. Hillary has the past history of Benghazi. I’m not going to get all into that, but I do believe that she was responsible to some degree.
Did I think Trump was going to win? Honestly no. I thought Hillary had it in the bag. I stayed up until 4am watching the state tallies come in. While watching it on ABC news, I heard a really interesting example of what’s going on right now. America is sick, the people are sick, and we’ve looked for help everywhere and can’t find the medicine we need. Trump is like an experimental drug, it comes with side effects, but it really has the possibility of making us better. That’s what really struck home for me. Yes, it may have its downfalls, but it’s what we need. I would rather have Trump who struggles with a filter, but I can trust his character, versus Hillary, who may talk nice, but I can’t trust her character from things such as the emails and Benghazi.
Now we must continue moving forward. The whining you do on Facebook won’t change anything. Burning American flags won’t change anything. Protesting in the streets blocking traffic won’t change anything. The election occurred and is over. We need to move on and focus on building our country back up. I shared a video on my Facebook of a news story talking about how college campuses were cancelling test and classes, ordering pizza, and having counseling sessions to help those who are struggling with the results of the election. I personally don’t agree with that. When things don’t go the way you want them to, you take a deep breath and do your best with what you have. Immediately people began commenting how I was ignorant and how everyone is scared for their lives right now. You have nothing to be scared of. Trump may not have the experience in politics, but every single person in the chairs surrounding him do. They’re going to guide him and share knowledge with him so he can make the best decisions.
Is Trump the perfect presidential candidate? No. But it’s time for America to try the experimental drug to get better again. We were once the strongest nation in the world, and now people look at us as the weakest. We need to become the nation the founding fathers wanted us to be. One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.