Dear Hillary,
Thank you for everything you have done during this election season. I feel like no one really took the time to appreciate your hard work, ability to smash down hatred, and be a constant positive force for the women around you. Unfortunately, the Elector College did not reflect that, but the American people did. Your strength and unabashed faith in America was not lost on the majority of the United States of America. It is a sad day for those American people.
While we may be in a state of mourning, I firmly believe that it is our duty to stand with you and not accept the possibility of an America where hate outweighs hope. Your loss has inspired me to take a stand and not be afraid to voice my opinions about the injustice. My friend Hannah told me something important yesterday, and I thought it was too well-said not to include it here. She said:
" Trump supporters are short sighted. They voted for a man promising to bring back an America which is never coming back. We will never return to an America when white men were king, where women bled our naked in motel rooms because they were trying to access abortion. An America where minorities feared for their lives, running from lynch mobs. We are not going back, and it's unforgivable that people in this country want to go back to a time when hate was law."
It is heinous and for the next four years we not be silent. We will continue to educate ourselves and better the America we want to live in. An America where people are not afraid to walk down the streets after our president has been elected because they have the potential to be harmed.
These are trying times and I look forward to seeing you in the political spotlight once more, a continued voice for the marginalized. Just know that I am behind you, and so is the majority of America.