Dear High School Best Friend,
We both know that in the nine months we left each other for college, the places we moved became our new homes.
It was the weirdest feeling ever saying goodbye to each other when we left, because in high school we did everything together. How was I supposed to survive without you right by my side for nine whole months?
The nine months went on and we FaceTimed as often as we could to stay in touch during our hectic lives, while counting down the days until we would finally be reunited on breaks.
The biggest reunion has finally come for us. Summer. Three months for us to catch up on everything that happened while we were hundreds of miles apart.
Coming home is bittersweet. Entering the walls of our homes even seems to be different. You quickly learn that while we were so busy away, our parents lives moved on, and nine months gave them just as much time to redecorate our bedrooms.
Now, instead of entering the halls of our high school together, we slowly drive by, reminiscing on the memories that were built within the walls of the place where we became best friends.
We listen to one another talk endlessly about the new best friends we have made at college, while silently becoming a little sad to know someone else gets to share every waking moment with you for nine months out of the year now.
But, most importantly, I want to say thank you. Because it's scary leaving our new homes away at college and the new best friends we've made, to come home to the places where we spent every sleepover and late-night conversation for four years of high school, not knowing if things will be the same.
After nine months away, you make entering this town on breaks truly feel like it is home.
So, thank you for your love and support over not only the nine months we spent apart, but the three months we do get to spend together. I wouldn't be the same without you.
Your High School Best Friend