Dear High School Bestfriend,
I met you the summer before freshman year during our high school orientation. At that time, I had no idea that you would become my best friend and that we would be as close as we are today. We have definitely had our ups and downs, but we have always had each others back throughout any situation. It's weird that we are about to go to two completely different schools. Luckily, we are both staying in Virginia but it is going to be rather strange to not see you almost everyday out of the year.
At times, I like to believe that you are like the sister I never had. We would gossip, borrow each other's clothes, pick at one another and mostly spend the whole school day with each other. I remember I would dread those three classes senior year without my best friend. Now, we are about to experience going to different universities. Which I often ask myself, "Is that possible?"
Not going to the same school means not being able to see each other daily, laugh at each others corny jokes, or borrow each others clothes anymore. It means to having lunch anymore together or walking around campus talking because we were bored. Little moments like that with my best friend will be dearly missed. However, on a brighter note, it means new experiences and opportunities.
I know that with the bond we have created throughout high school will be the backbone to our friendship continuing on for many and many years. While I wish that William & Mary and VCU were neighbors, I know that Williamsburg will treat you right. While I am sadden by our departure, I know that we will remain best friends regardless of where we go.
I am excited that the both of us get to experience new beginnings, meet new people, follow our dreams and plan for the future. And hey, maybe we will stay out of trouble in class since we would always talk to each other.
No one could ever replace you or our friendship. I love the fact that we are so close, and I am going to miss people asking us, "Are you sure you were not friends before high school?" Also, maybe I can finally have my IHop Chocolate Chip Pancakes without having to share.
Long live on our inside jokes, our craziness, constantly taking pictures and winning the superlative for Best Friends. While I will forever be a Ram Fan, I guess I can support W&M too since my bff is going there. Go Tribe! PS: you better come visit me. Much love.