Congratulations on making it through your junior year! Even though summer is just now starting, in the blink of an eye you’ll be taking senior photos, filling out college applications, getting ready for prom, and then, finally, your high school graduation. There’s a lot to look forward to, but as I said high school will be over before you know it. You’ve heard it all before; that you’re supposed to cherish your last year in high school and that these are the best years of your life. Well, you’ve heard them time and time again because they are generally true. That being said, I do have some advice for you as you go into your senior year of high school.
First, don’t slack off. There seems to be a misconception that senior year is supposed to be the year of Easy A Classes and “forgotten” homework. However, it’s important to continue to challenge yourself. It will look good as you fill out college applications, but more importantly, it will be rewarding. In high school the most thought-provoking classes I’ve taken have been the classes where I felt challenged. Those are the classes that I left feeling like I truly gained a new perspective or way of looking at the world around me. Along with continuing to choose classes that will challenge you, senior year is not the time to start skipping assignments and turning things in late. Or, if you’ve been doing that the last three years, senior year is a great time to start to get your act together. From a student who has always struggled with time management, it’s important to end high school on a high note. Senior year is an extremely busy time, but try to stay on top of your assignments, now is a great time to finally keep up with a planner! It doesn’t really matter how you started high school, but how you finish it is what will be remembered.
Secondly, make sure to you continue to grow as a student and person, but be kind to yourself. You’ve worked hard the last three years, and you certainly aren’t the same person now as you were when you started high school. Senior year is supposed to be fun. Even though it’s important to stay on top of your workload, missing an assignment every now and then is not the end of the world. Most teachers understand that senior year is an extremely stressful time, and a lot of teachers can be very understanding and might even give you an extension on an assignment if you’re struggling. Beyond that, if your school has a lenient absence policy, take mental health days once in awhile, missing one day of class won’t kill you. Also, don’t fight change. Human beings are malleable. We are constantly changing and evolving, and trust me, senior year changes you. It’s important to let yourself move out of your comfort zone and evolve.
Lastly, do cherish this last year in high school. After graduation, your life will never be the same. You’ll have different friends, different perspectives, different responsibilities. These may not be the best years of your life, but they are important years of your life. So, even though you’re ready to skip right to spring of 2017 and take that long anticipated walk across the stage, it’s important that you don't take your life for granted. Even if you’re not filled to the brim with school spirit, try to buy into it. Enjoy the Friday Night Lights of high school football, cheer on your basketball team, and wear your school colors with pride. Those will be some of the best memories you’ll have when you look back at your time in high school. Try to be nice to everyone. It’s high school, and there will be drama, but try to make it so your last memories of your school are good ones. You’re going to meet people with two months left that you wish you met two years ago. We all know that you’re ready for high school to be over, but I promise that when all is said and done, at some point you will miss your friends, and you will miss your school. Make the best of the time you have left.