Honestly, you are bae.
I know most people say they hate you, but I have to disagree. In fact, I'm constantly trying to convince people to go to you to fix their problems. You have helped me with so many of my problems, so I want to say thank you for that. People tend to discourage me from going to you so much, saying I don't need it or I should be spending my time doing other things. They don't understand how important you are to me and the fact that without you I would probably be insane. Before you I wasn't as confident in myself, I was underweight, and my anxiety was worse. So, let me tell you how you have helped me.
You haven't made me more confident in myself because of the way my body has become more toned, although that definitely does help. You have helped me become more confident because you have given me goals to strive for that make me feel great once I achieve them. There is not a rush quite like the one where you hit a new max or don't feel like death just as much when you do cardio. Then after I've smashed that goal, I make a new one to destroy. See, you're always making me want to work on myself and improve, because I know I can do better. You've taught me that by putting a lot of hard work into things I will get the results I want. A lot of hard work because, gym, you certainly are not easy.
There are days when I want to lay in bed, watch some Netflix and drink some wine and say "screw it." Then you say, "Well, so much for building that muscle you want," or at least I imagine you saying that, because I know that if I'm not consistent, there will be no progress. Trust me, it is hard to drag myself out of bed and to you, but I have to say you never fail to make me feel better. It has been proven that working out releases endorphins, or as I would like to call them, the "happy drug." You certainly make me happy. Maybe not when I'm struggling to get the last set in even though my muscles already burn, but definitely after the workout. I'm always in a better mood. Which is where you helping my anxiety comes in.
I used to hate going to my hard classes, to interviews, to take tests, or to meet new people. I would start overthinking everything, putting myself in a panicky state where I felt nauseous and completely on edge, and if I was pushed over just a little bit I would snap. It was more than just your usual butterflies; it was more like it is very hard to force myself to sit in class because I would start feeling nauseous, I would start shaking, and not be able to concentrate. That's really hard to manage when you're trying to keep your grades up.
Now, I'm not saying you've fixed my anxiety, because it is still there, but you've helped me manage it. When I start feeling all bottled up or I know something big is coming up that usually makes me anxious, I know to go to you. You give me the me time out of my head that I need. Instead of thinking about not being able to retain all the information from class, I can think about getting the next few reps in. Another one. By the end, I feel a lot more relaxed. Now, I always make it a priority to have me time, to get out of my head and do what I want. Which is why you keep me sane. Even when you pull me out of my comfort zone because I have no idea if I'm doing a certain workout right. "I definitely look dumb right now. Am I supposed to feel this there?" At least now I'm confident in myself to not care anymore.
I have to say that you have given me a new mindset, a clearer one that has allowed me to grow personally in an important way... and a banging bod, and no, I don't care if I look too muscular. Let's see you squat as much as me.
Thank you gym. I'll see you later today.
Love your loyal gym-goer
P.S. Thank you for bringing in all the gym hotties for eye candy.