Dear "Mom,"
Putting up with "your girls" is not always an easy task to do and it's true that you definitely don't get enough credit for it. I can't thank you for the countless times you've stepped in to help us all. Whether it's friendship drama or boys, stress or excitement, we can always count on you to give us the answer we were looking for.
Thank you for offering me logical reasons when my emotions are running high. Whether we're arguing with someone else or just frustrated with ourselves and can't seem to calm down, we can always look to you for sound advice. You help us to put ourselves in the other person's shoes and to see things from a different perspective. You tell us straight up if we're wrong or being stupid. And you encourage us to calmly express our feelings if we're right. But either way, you always support us and follow up to see how everything goes.
Thank you for the photo shoots. We ask for a picture, but we can always count on you to take at least 25 from all different angles. You tell us how to stand and give us options for cute poses. You tell us when we look stupid or the picture just isn't too flattering. You make us look better. We might as well put your name as a watermark on all of our pictures because essentially our Instas would be nothing without you.
Thank you for holding our hair back. We've all gone a little too crazy at some point, but no matter what you're always there for us. We all really appreciate the comforting back-rubbing and help settling into bed for the night.
Thanks for reminding us that petty drama and players are not worth our time. Sometimes we forget our worth and let little things get to us or cry over boys who aren't worth out tears. But you're always there to remind us not to stoop to those levels. You rock for that.
Thank you for being the mediator. When all of our friends disagree and there seems to be no hope of finding a middle ground, we can always look to you to calm us down and sort things out. Moms always know how to compromise and it's so wonderful that you've mastered that skill at such a ripe young age.
Thank you for helping me clean up when life's a mess. Whether I'm struggling to get work done, or am too lazy to get out of bed or when our rooms are literally a mess, you're always there to help us through it. You remind us about important dates, wake us up when our alarm doesn't go off, and help us re-fold clothes when our drawers are a mess. Thanks to you we're always reminded what I'm capable of if only I stop binge-watching Netflix, put on some pants and get out of bed.
Thank you for understanding. For the times when we don't want to talk and just need silence and a tight, warm hug, we can come to you and just relax. You offer the comfort that we find in our own moms, but on a very different level. You are our friend and a mom and that is the most warming type of support. You'll never judge us and will always have our backs and we love you endlessly for that.
Thank you for being the most level-headed, kindest and most-supportive group mother we could ever ask for
But most importantly, thanks for letting us call you "mom."
Your friend-daughters