Parents don't get enough credit, period. Sure, there's Mothers Day and Fathers Day, but two days out of the year aren't enough to show how thankful we should be for the ones that raised us.
I'm not a parent myself, so honestly, I don't know what it's like to play that role. I do know that it certainly can't be easy.
Some grow up more or less fortunate than others. I may not have had it all growing up, but I'm thankful that you have done everything they can to make sure that I grew up with what I needed to be successful.
It must be college that's made me realize how truly blessed I've been to grow up with two people that unconditionally love me. My heart hurts for those that didn't get to grow up with a mother and father, or even neither.
Living on my own and being away at college has made realize a couple of different things.
First, it's that the rules you had growing up were there for a reason. I may have hated the strict curfews, the high expectations in school, or the yelling at ball games -- but everything you did was out of love.You never purposely wanted me to fail. All you wanted was what's best for me.
Second, that I hope to be only half as successful and hard-working as you are someday. Going into work every single day to provide for a family takes endless discipline and effort. And you don't just work, you both are extremely successful in what you do. You guys have always made sure I've received the recognition for my achievements, but what about you?
You both are rockstars, and you deserve a moment on stage.
While I know I may not have always shown that I am the appreciative and loving daughter, Mom and Dad: Thank you for everything you've done for me. Every ounce you poured into raising me has made me into the woman I am today.
I think about you two each and every day. Even though we no longer live under the same roof, you're always in my heart and always will be.
Remember the days of me screaming at you saying "You're unfair" and "Why do you hate me?" If only my future self were there to tell my past self how foolish I was.
Thank you for loving me unconditionally and being the two there through it all.
A Grateful Daughter