Dear 2016 Grads,
First, let me start out by congratulating you. Congrats! You made it to the end of high school! You've spent the last 13 years of school preparing for this moment, and it's finally here. I hope you're all insanely proud of yourselves and that you enjoy the last few weeks of being a high school student the most out of your whole senior year. Take in these last moments and treasure them, as they are the most special moments of your high school career.
In a little less than two weeks, you'll be waking across the stage to receive your diploma and enter "the real world" as young adults and start on your path to "the rest of your life." It won't hit you right away, as soon as you're handed your diploma. Honestly, not much will change over the summer and it'll feel like nothing significant even happened. But come the start of the school year when you start fresh at college, whether you're going away or not, that's when things will start to be different.
One of my biggest fears going into college, other than not being able to make any new friends, was that I would lose touch with every person I was friends with prior to college. And while I did lose touch with people, some of which I never thought I would, the number was smaller than I anticipated. Most of the friends that meant a lot to me then I stayed in touch with and they still mean a lot to me now. I even stayed in touch with some people that I become friends with senior year of high school, which makes me feel really great because I know that they truly wanted to be my friend and weren't just being nice to me because they'd never see me again. Losing touch with friends is always sad, but just remember that it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. It took me a long time to realize that it's a natural part of life. People grow up and mature and drift apart, but the ones that stay with you are the people that mean the most, whether you're aware or not, and that's always incredibly comforting.
Part of being a "young adult" and in college is being able to go a long period of time not talking to someone, but picking up right where you left off the next time you talk or see them. Always remember that. You're busy and so are they, but when you reconnect and see that of course you're still friends, it's one of the best feelings in the world. I'm lucky enough to have a relationship like this with quite a few of my friends. We may not talk all the time but we still have the same love and respect for each other that we did when we had time to talk for hours. Those friends are keepers. Always cherish them.
College can be stressful, and sometimes you may find yourself questioning why you're even there. In moments like those, take a step back. Think of your overall goal that you have for when you graduate. What are you majoring in? What's your dream job? When you answer those two questions also remember that anything in life that's worthwhile doesn't come easy. You have to work for it, it doesn't just fall into your lap. Always keep that thought in the back of your mind. It'll all be worth it one day. Keep pushing on and you'll see your hard work pay off. That's one of the most important things you can tell yourself.
College is also a time for growth, so make sure you welcome it with open arms. I'm halfway through my undergrad and I can honestly say that I've grown so much since I started academically, musically, and most importantly, personally. Personal growth will come when you least expect it. Welcome it. Let it in. It's one of the most important things you'll ever recieve. You'll find strength you never knew you had, you'll make tons of new friends, you'll gain life experience and you'll mature. This can all seem scary, but I promise that if you open your heart to it, then it can be one of the most important parts of your college experience. The four years you spend in college, or more than four for some people for multiple reasons, are the years that help mold you into the person you're meant to be more than any other years of your life. Make the most of them, go on adventures, put yourself out there, meet new people, and make them the best they can be. You'll thank yourself later.Again, congrats on being a high school grad! Now, go take the world by storm. I know you can do it, and I can't wait for you to make your mark on the world.