Dear Friend,
It has come to my attention that we all still have our insecurities and we all struggle, even though we are “grown” or “older” we still have that middle school mentality that we just aren’t good enough. This past weekend is actually what re-inspired me to bring up this all too familiar self-hatred or, better put, self-doubt. Friend, I understand that security is a rocky road. I mean its not easy to attempt to always believe in or even love yourself especially because we allow others to have the capability to tell us otherwise. I know you’ve been told most of your life that you are “cute”, “hot”, and maybe the occasional “sexy”. You’ve been told that you are “smart” and “can do great things”. Or maybe like me you’ve been praised for “being different”. While all these are nice to hear, they're all subjective, and while they all are considered positive they are also others vast opinions of you. There’s more to you. You are more than the comments society leads you to see about yourself. You can be those things and take on that identity, but because thats how you see yourself not because thats how you’ve been branded.
Regardless of you're perfectly powdered or conjured face, you are beautiful. Regardless of the brand of clothes you're wearing, you are unique. Regardless of your major of future career, if you work hard you can be successful. I’ve gone through a mind cleansing lately. Not like the whole fancy glass water bottle filled with fruit water cleanse, obvi. But the kind that makes you really evaluate your own intentions. YOUR own thoughts. Too often we allow ourselves to decided that what others may think or say about us, whether it be positive or negative, have too much impact on our own decision making. Especially in regards to our own emotions and even feelings. I have attempted to be proud of more than just my body, but also my mind. I have begun to strive to be the best possible version of myself. In particular to my education and knowledge of my future career. I’m here to tell you to do the same.
To find yourself worthy enough and to put more priority on how you see yourself, no more than that, on how you love yourself. I am in no way attempting to be even in the smallest sense glorified or “better” than the girl who doubts their beauty or be seen as someone who is fully confident. Mainly because I’ve been there. Like you or your friends, I lived there for most of my teenage life. Who am I kidding, I’m being shy. All of my teenage years were dictated by my acceptance of the way people viewed me. Most girls feel this especially in the do or die years of the terrifying middle school. Now that those days are long gone you should be able to find that small ounce of you that doesn't care and let it free. There is no greater freedom than the freedom you posses which allows you to be who you are and feel fully accepted by that. Not accepted in the sense of society or even media, but accepted by yourself because you see yourself as sufficient. As empowered and loved.
I’m here to stand behind you. To support you. To cheer you on when you feel broken, because I know first hand that there is another person. The person you choose to not openly accept or even love. I’ve learned through an entirely way too long process that I must accept myself, love myself, choose myself if I expect anyone else to. I once heard it said that when you allow others to dictate your happiness you lose your own identity to their opinions. No one. I mean no one is worth the loss of your own identity. You are simply worth more.
So Friend, I beg you to find that ounce, to free that person, and to live. To not look back at the opinions of those around you and to be confident. In whatever it is you’ve been allowing yourself to feel less about. Whether that be yourself, your beauty, or your brains. You are more than the cruel, harsh, unfair, or even subjective comments others push your direction. Be you. Be happy. Be proud. Navigate your journey through life down the path that best suits you as who you are. Never think anything less because you are worth more.
A Girl who has been there