Let’s face it. Every girl wants to be able to one day tell her grandchildren the epic love story about how she and her husband met.
As many of us know, there are different types of true love: between parents and their children, between siblings, and so on. Let’s focus on the love between you and a potential significant other, shall we?
Along with the rest of society’s youth, I was brainwashed to believe that romance in movies and fiction books wasn’t realistic. To a degree, yes, we can agree that a hot vampire won’t jump through our windows then embrace us and tell us we are meant to be together forever.
What if we look past the immortal aspect? If we replace this hot vampire—aka Edward Cullen for all you "Twilight" dweebs out there—with a regular guy, can a true love story still exist? You may not agree with me when I say that it does.
It hurts to hear you say true love is a fantasy. How can someone like me—who’s in college and never had a serious boyfriend—explain to you how wrong you are? Fortunately, people have been placed in my life that are constant reminders that true love is real. I may not seem credible because of my lack of experience in the dating department, but dating isn’t necessary to believe in true love.
One of these people I’m referring to is my grandfather. When my mother and I were visiting my grandparents not too long ago, it ended up being a very emotional week for all of us. One night, my mom, grandfather, and I all got back to the house from visiting my grandmother in the hospital. He started to get very emotional and I had never seen him cry like he did. If you ever catch a glimpse of a male family member crying, you will be forever changed.
He took a minute to collect himself, then explained why he broke down. He did this by telling my mom and me a story.
He told us about a couple he once knew. The wife and husband were being treated in different hospitals for some reason. One night, the wife felt like something wasn’t right. She demanded to be released from the hospital because she said she had to be with her husband at his bedside. The doctors let her transfer to the hospital treating her husband. When she got there, she sat next to her husband at his bedside and held his hand. Only a few hours later, her husband passed away in her arms.
I don’t know about you, but I definitely was picturing "The Notebook"when he was telling me this story. If you have not seen this movie—stop reading and watch it now.
My grandfather started crying when he was telling this story because he was having the same feeling—he had to be with my grandmother. All he kept saying was, “I have to be with her, I have to be with her.” Honestly, I got a bit choked up myself.
My point is that true love can be seen in even the most subtle ways. It doesn’t need to be a grand gesture. It doesn’t have to be, “love at first sight.” There are so many ways to fall in love. Most likely, you won’t even see it coming. When it does, you might think you’re not ready. Instead of jumping to that conclusion and putting up your wall, take a chill pill. Take a breath. Take a moment and think about yourself. Don’t think about his reaction to however you respond, but think about how awesome this guy is for having the guts to approach you in the first place.
If you have already met your one-and-only bae, then congratulations. If you haven’t (like me), wait it out. Who knows, maybe he is in one of your classes or has waited behind you in line at Starbucks. I’m sure just like me, you’ve already wondered this.
He’s out there, don’t worry. It really sucks to wait, trust me I know. Looking back, I’ve forced every “relationship” I’ve had, and I’m sure you can guess how they all ended up.
I want to leave you with a quote I’ve heard from every woman in a successful relationship ever—“STOP LOOKING. IT WILL FIND YOU.”