We've all heard the phrase "Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about." And we all have come to find this is very true. Many of us also know it is not always easy hiding the tears behind a smile, but you're not alone. People go through every day smiling, pretending it is all okay, but in reality, it is the total opposite.
I just wanted to let you know that you truly are not the only one feeling this way. Life has a way of kicking you down sometimes, and getting back up is a challenge. You never know what might be thrown your way, and figuring out how to handle it is tough. I am not here to say it will get better right away, or that it is easy. I want you to know that people are feeling the same way you are. You don't always have to fake a smile: let the tears flow.
It is okay to be sad, or angry, or mad. Everyone feels emotions, and you shouldn't have to hide what you are feeling. You do not have to put on an act for the people around you. I know it may be tough, but you are you for a reason and you do not need to hide your feelings with a smile.
I've been there, and sometimes I go back there. I try so hard to please everyone around me, but I am so unhappy on the inside. I don't want to be a burden to my friends by getting upset, so I bottle up my emotions until I'm about to burst. I have grown to realize you do not always need to please everyone. Once in a while, you need to think about yourself, and what is going to make your life better, not others. Who cares what people think about you? If you want to scream, then scream. Don't let what you believe other people want to see from you change who you are.
Sometimes putting a smile on seems like the easiest solution. And sometimes, it actually works, and you feel happy for a little while. But you don't always have to say you're fine, when you know inside you are not. So to that girl, hiding behind the smile, trying to please everyone else: I get it. I've been there. I know what it's like. And I want you to know it's okay to cry, because sometimes letting it out is the only way to find relief.