To be blunt, I don't like our generation. OK, that was rude, sorry. Let me put it this way: I don't think we're headed in the right direction. Please don't take that the wrong way, though. We're intelligent, optimistic, hardworking, and going places, but there are a few things that I'd like to address that have nothing to do with our IQs.
We're a generation filled with false representation. When you scroll through Twitter, Facebook, and IG, you'll see #RelationshipGoals centered around money, sex, and material objects. Rarely will you see value in the things that relationships are really about—such as, oh, I don't know, maybe love, trust, loyalty and just plain happiness. I see our generation slipping into a relationship-less pit, where one-night stands and avoidance of commitment are basically a pastime, because loyalty is expected to be shattered and committing yourself to one person is boring and a waste of time.
We're a generation trying to reach a standard of perfection that is impossible. Everything seems to be a competition, and those that can't reach the heights of their competitors are viewed with less worth. We rank ourselves based upon appearance. You must have perfect eyebrows. You gotta cop the newest kicks. Oh, and you better figure out how to contour, girl! Keep up with the ever-changing trends, and maybe you'll gain self-confidence and worth that way.
We're a generation allowing ourselves to be hypnotized by the social media culture. Walking to class? Scroll through IG. Red light taking too long at the intersection? Tweet about it. Having a bad day? Complain about it on Facebook. Eating lunch? Snapchat a pic (not gonna lie I'm guilty of this quite often). We're plugged in, 24/7. The cell phone is the last thing we look at in the evening, and the first that we grab in the morning. Did life even happen if you didn't post every moment of it somewhere in the cyber world? I don't remember the last time I sat at a dinner table or hung out with friends without there being a mobile device in at least one person's hand. We need to unplug, my friends.
We're a generation that's forgetting that one day, when we face the fact that we actually have to behave like grownups, we'll have a plethora of memories to accompany us. Let's make sure those memories don't just entail staring at a phone screen for hours a day, or blurry nights with people you can barely remember.
We can take risks and love without hesitation. We can accept imperfections and stop hiding behind the facade of counterfeit perfection. We can start living in reality and stop living through our virtual profiles. We have the ability to change for the better. How we allow our generation to be portrayed is our choice. We got some work to do, so let's get to it.
One of you.