Dear people who will live in my home,
You don't know me and most likely never will, but we share something: a home. The home you will be living in once we move out has been the place I have lived my entire life. There are many memories that come with this house. It has gone through some changes, but it is still my home. I am sad to have to leave it, but I know that whoever lives there next will be able to call it home and make it theirs.
This house has seen everything from family dinners to fights, to sleepovers to sad times, to happy times and much more. I grew up here and learned many lessons here. I will always remember sitting and watching movies with my family in the family room and the swing set in the backyard, as well as the peace and quiet of my calming purple room.
As I have been packing the house and cleaning it, I wonder what you, the future owners of my home, will be like. Will you be a family from another state starting a new life in a new home and a new school system and new jobs? Will you be a family who has lived in the area but is looking for a bigger house? Are you just a husband and a wife looking for a big house to raise your soon-to-be family? Well, whoever you are, I hope and pray that this home will be a big part of your lives and that you will cherish it as much as I have.
Take your kids to the park down the street, walk or ride bikes on the bike path, meet the neighbors (they're very friendly), walk around downtown Oswego and get ice cream at Dairy Hut in the summer. Whatever you decide to do with the house, make it yours. This house has been my safe haven for 20 years, and I am so grateful for it.
This house has taken quite a beating over the years. Slammed doors from dramatic teenage girls, little kids sliding down the banister as kids, chipped paint from millions of posters on the walls, a dent in the kitchen floor (which was replaced just for you) and many more. But without all these things, this house wouldn't be a home because all these things are part of life and make this home what it is today.
My hope for you, whoever you are, is that you make this house your own. Paint the walls, put new furniture in it, heck, even put new carpet in all the second floor rooms (they could use it, trust me). I just want to make sure that you feel the same way about this house that I do. This house is full of love and support and I hope you feel that love and support when you come home to it after a long day at work or school.
A home is something special. It is the place that you feel safe and loved and supported. It is such a privilege to have a roof over your head. I will never take that for granted. I will never forget this wonderful house you will soon call home. Treasure it in your heart for a long time. I know I will.
A girl who used to live in your new home