Dear future niece or nephew,
Two and a half months ago, I found out I am going to be an aunt and for the past two and a half months, I have been trying to decide what it is I want to write to you. Right now, you’re probably no less than the size of my hand and probably can’t comprehend your own existence yet, let alone read, but eventually you’ll learn and you’ll be able to see this and understand. That’s what’s important.
We are so excited to meet you, not to mention impatient (it’s only September and you’re not due until April 2), and by “we” I mean your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa and me, of course. When I first saw the sonogram with your foot on it I showed all of my friends at college because, wow, this is so amazing and cool and incredible and this time next year a real live person will be added to the world! So far, my favorite response from any of my friends has been James, who took my phone, looked at your foot and said, “yup, that’s a foot.” His observational skills are clearly unparalleled.
Grandma bought you towels and undershirts and a bunch of other things weeks ago even though at that point you were the size of a jelly bean. I think she bought some bibs that say, “I love Grandma,” too, so as you might notice, we already love you to the moon and back. Also, Grandma wants to be your favorite.
In preparation to become the world’s best aunt ever, I’ve compiled a few of my biggest life lessons I had to learn all on my own because no one sat down and wrote something like this for me.
1. Every experience you have is a learning opportunity. Whether positive or negative, there's always something to take away from anything and everything that happens to you and those somethings will help you grow.
2. Be kinder than you feel. If you inherit my temper, you will quickly understand why this is so important. Plus, the world always needs a little more kindness.
3. Sticking up for yourself is not the same thing as being mean. Believe me, it took me years to learn this one.
4. There’s no such thing as loving too much. Love is one of the few infinite resources the world has to offer, so love as hard as you can as much as you can and don’t pretend to hate things you actually love. It makes you bitter and cynical and a Debbie Downer.
5. Being brave doesn't mean the absence of fear -- it means doing the right thing no matter how scary it may seem.
5. A very wise man once told me that good painters always get paint on their hands. So when you start to paint your life, don’t be afraid to get messy, because the truth is, kiddo, that good lives require messes.
All the other stuff you get to figure out on your own as you grow up and live. Don’t get too mad -- it’s your life -- I can’t live it for you, can I?
See you in April!
Aunt Hayley