Dear future husband,
I’m not quite ready yet.
As someone born and raised in the Deep South, I know all too well the “ring before spring” type of dating culture I’m dealing with here. There’s nothing wrong with it except that fact that not everyone will be…or even wants to be engaged before graduation. There will be couples who meet each other during orientation and are married by the summer following their senior year…and that’s great. It’s awesome. To those of you I’m referring to, I can’t wait to gush over how cute your engagement photos are or tear up during the vows of your wedding ceremony. You have found the one who you want to spend the rest of their life with and that’s truly wonderful. I couldn’t be happier for you.
But today, I am here to say without bitterness or jealousy that I will not be the girl pinning to her “Future Wedding” board on Pinterest or taking a long weekend from class to go wedding gown shopping.
I am in love with my life right now and don’t plan on settling down anytime soon.
I’m in love with my best friends and pulling all-nighters.
I’m in love with my dysfunctional “do whatever I want, whenever I want, as long as it’s in my budget” lifestyle.
I’m in love with saying yes to everything.
I’m in love with the messiness that is college and trying to figure out who God has made me to be.
I’m in love with it all – the long nights, random dance parties, fraternity house pranking, weeklong sleepovers, last minute road trips, and massive amounts of pizza. I love it all and the spontaneity that accompanies being single.
But there will come a day when I’m MORE in love with YOU.
And it will be a great day, but I am in no rush. That day is not today nor will it be anytime soon because I am currently still learning to better love God and also myself.
As I continue to run after the Lord with arms wide open, I am allowing him to grow me and shape me into all that he has made me to be. I am a work in progress and I will always be, but the woman I am today is not ready to be the woman you will marry. God is still working on me and I’m sure he’s working on you too, but I’m still learning how to be in love with the Lord and the journey he has set out for me. I want to be young and spontaneous and also continue to allow God to prepare my heart to love you the way you deserved to be loved. One day I will love you the best way that I know how...but I'm just not ready yet.
So until then, here’s to loving the adventure and all that comes with it.
Your Future Wife