Dear Florida State University,
These past four years have arguably been the best years of my life. The experiences and memories that I will take away from this University are endless. I am now and will always be a Florida State Seminole. However, there are some memories I would like to forget, like the numerous times I have been mentally and financially accosted by the Transportation Services Department at this school. The amount of money paid (roughly around four hundred dollars) could easily replace one class’ tuition at some schools. Although my last name is Bentley, I do not own, nor could I ever come close to owning one. I thought my financial situation was obvious given my FAFSA statements, but I guess I have to make it more clear.
Thirty dollars is a steep ticket. It is a lot of money for being five minutes late at a meter or for not moving your car at 7:30 AM. Keep in mind that the first ticket I ever received was for one hundred dollars on the day I moved into my dorm room freshman year. That was my first impression of this amazing university. There was not a single spot open in the outrageously small “parking lot” with everyone else’s parents moving them into their new home. This was the beginning of my heart shattering romance with the transportation services.
The very first day at this glorious university, after I unpacked the mounds of all my belongings into my room, I noticed the hateful piece of paper littering my windshield. Your transportation service workers seem to enjoy searching for those unfortunate enough to give them a ticket. I imagine them throwing back their heads with a menacing laugh each time they are typing someone’s license plate number into their handheld machine of misery. I honestly think I have PTSD, for every time I see a flyer for music or food trucks on my windshield I start to panic, let alone seeing their cars pass by on campus.
The most recent ticket I have been so graciously given was for backing into a parking spot. This one truly blew me away. In reality, I pulled through one of the very few spots I managed to find rushing towards the testing center. Never in my four years at this University did I know that this was indeed a rule. Which leads me to why? Why on earth is it against the rules to pull through/back into a parking spot? My ticket explained that I needed a special permit to do so, to literally park my vehicle. I commend you on your ability to gain even more money than the thousands of dollars each student pays in tuition to call themselves a 'Nole.
Florida State University is among the highest ranked Universities for academics alone. How can we stay at the top and thrive if us students cannot even show up to our classes. For months I have watched brand new dorm buildings resurrect from nothing and all I can think is, “There goes more parking spaces, let the hunger games begin!” Granted these students are lucky enough to live on campus, but most of them will have cars of their own which will have to stay in the overnight spots. While searching for spots I have noticed how most cars on the roof do not move. Ever.
I love this place with all my heart and know it will continue to grow. With that I ask you to build several new parking garages with more than just four levels. The sky is literally the limit. Along with the garages, there should be a revision of the parking policies. I hope each student is given a warning before receiving a ticket and nose-in parking is not the only option. In the name of safety AND sanity I hope these alterations can be permitted immediately.
Love with all sincerity,
A poor college student