Dear You,
Wow, seriously it's been awhile. When was the last time we talked?... 2015? I'm sorry I took a break for awhile, I really needed to think... and ya know, in that time I've watched you flourish.
Yea, 2016 was a really rough year, I really didn't think it was going to be! It's crazy how true the domino effect can be, how one little thing can make life spiral faster than the galaxy you are in right now. I hope you've been doing well lately, I mean, we are only 2 or so months into 2017, just look at all that you've accomplished!
You've gotten up from bed every day, you've completed your daily tasks, you've eaten, you've slept, you've learned, you've grown.You are in no way the same person that you were the last time we talked, hell I'm probably not the same either, you probably didn't even remember me, but hey, that's okay. I understand, we both saw different people, different things; we gained so much and lost so much at the same time. It's funny to think that is what has morphed into one my own biggest fears. The fear of losing... basically anything.
I think that is the key to overcoming your fears, if you give them power, and trust me! It's really hard not letting the one thing that could affect you most get the best of you. The last time we spoke I told you that I knew how much you were going through already, how much you have been through. You have so much more in store for you, and I'm so proud of you. When all the world's biggest fears come crashing in through the window, and you just want to shut everything out it can be really hard to see all the good that has happened, especially in the past two years, but you can't lose hope.
Losing hope is probably one of the scariest things to experience. It is the epitome of despair, and it can infect everything else in your life. I was there once, everything was so dark that I couldn't even breathe. I was too overwhelmed, and there was too much I buried deep inside me until the pressure was too immense, and one day I just kind of exploded.
Now, let me tell you, from that single explosion created the most powerful, beautiful, and greatest being ever, you. It brought your family, your friends, your experiences, your talents, dreams, fears, every bit of life that you know, and what a big bang that was.
Regardless, if there is anything I want you to remember from what I've learned it is this:“For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen: a gaseous nebula must collapse. So collapse. Crumble. This is not your destruction. This is your birth.”
Truly forever yours,
The Universe