I am an ENFP.
I'm a weird lil bean. Sometimes I have too much enthusiasm for my own good. Sometimes I get a little loud. Sometimes I go overboard with the energy, and I can't help it. I just want everyone to be happy!
I live for human connection.
Listening is something that I enjoy greatly-- I love getting to know people better. Tell me about that festival you went to last year, or about the time where a random stranger proposed to you in a Chick Fil' A. That story about that time you went to a cat shelter and petted kittens for an hour? Not even a little boring! ENFP's are curious individuals and genuinely want to know the 4-1-1, whether or not it's juicy.
I'm a worrywart. I worry about everything, from stressing too much about whether or not I turned off the stove this morning, to how my uncle is doing back home. I overanalyze every single text-- I get paranoid over someone's tone of voice, and sometimes even the kind of emojis they use. I have a big heart, and occasionally it backfires on me, but that's okay. Sometimes things just don't work out the way we want them to.
We are fiercely independent individuals, which is a problem sometimes because I have trouble opening up to people. It's mostly my own fault really-- many a time I've set my expectations too high and end up disappointing myself. Being independent also means that I'm extremely adaptable, therefore moving from one side of the globe to settling down in the other was a walk in the park.
I am a searcher. One of many. We are never fully content because we constantly wonder about what else is out there, and how far the potential of the universe can soar. I aspire to be a giver-- a giver of love, a giver of good vibes, and a giver of strength. I am inspired to inspire. My sadness is a factor in my life just as present as my happiness is, because I believe that a grey sky is just as important as a clear blue one. We strive to help ourselves as well as everyone else to embrace the quirkiness life brings, and mostly-- we want to love and be loved.
Come ask me where my joy comes from.