To My Long Distance Friend,
I honestly never expected us to be friends. It was in fourth grade when I first met you. I didn't like you very much. I have no clue why. Maybe it was the cooties or maybe it was something else.
Everywhere I went and everything I did, I didn't want you to be part of. Sad, but true. I guess it's because I already had my group of friends and I didn't want to welcome anyone new.
Four years passed by and it's eighth grade. Some of our classmates moved away, some grew, and some stayed the same. Some changed for the better and some for the worse.
I found myself searching for new friends. The friends I got close to moved away, which was heartbreaking but inevitable. I had to make new friends with classmates I've known since elementary school.
I can't remember the exact day or time when our friendship blossomed. It was more like a memory and a collective of moments where I considered you as my friend.
I've decided to put my past behind me and look forward. The day I started accepting you into my life is the day I've made one of the best decisions of my life.
During that time, I didn't know. Now, I know. I know accepting you and keeping in touch with you makes my day. You understand me. You believe me. You support me. You are there for me, even if you are 12,892 kilometers away.
I enjoy talking to you. We never run out of topics to talk about. Our FaceTime calls intended for 15 minutes turn into two hours. Oh, how I miss you so much. Writing this makes me want to cry.
When I miss home, I think of my family first. Then, my thoughts come to you. I remember you. You always send me the most randomest messages at the most unexpected times. They always make my day because I feel like I was there to experience it with you.
You don't know how much I appreciate the time you take out of your busy day to say hello to me. Not much people keep in touch with me the way you do. I even forget to update you sometimes, and that's okay.
Despite the distance, the rare occassions we see each other, and the time difference, you are the long distance friend everyone should at least encounter once in their life.