Dear Friends,
Before I start, I want to tell you how proud I am of you. I can’t believe you’ve almost finished your senior year! I know this year has had so many ups and downs, and you’ve handled them all so well. I wish I could have physically been there for you, to support you and cheer you on during this rough time, but I take comfort in knowing that I’ve been a person you can always text or call for encouragement, advice or consolation. As your year draws to a close, I have a few things I want to tell you, and I hope this open letter finds you well.
It’s been so weird not seeing your faces on a daily, or at least weekly, basis. It feels like yesterday I’d be passing you in the hallway, hanging out with you at Young Life, and just generally wasting time with you. I hope you know that, despite me not being at home, I’m always here for you. I might not be able to hang out, grab some ice cream and cheer you up, but I’m only a Facetime away. Whether it be three in the morning or one in the afternoon, it’s never a bad time. Text me, call me, send me a smoke signal or a carrier pigeon, I don’t care what you do, but keep in mind I’m here for you.
I also want to remind you to appreciate these next few months before you leave for school. I know most of you have made your college decision and mentally checked out of high school and hometown life, but there’s still a lot for you to enjoy. Just remember to value the time you still have left at home, because your freshman year is going to sneak up a lot faster than you think. Most of all, make sure you treasure the ability to see your friends everyday. I haven’t seen most of you since January, and it’s been rough. So don’t forget to enjoy this time while you can.
Last of all, I know it feels like that graduation day will never come, but it’ll be here faster than you think. Between school, prom and everything else, time is going to fly by. It might feel like you’re not going to make it there, but I know you will. You’re strong, intelligent and you can handle all the things that this world is going to throw at you. You’re going to walk across that stage, get your diploma and throw your cap in the air really soon, and when you do, I’ll be there with an air horn!
Love always,
Your Friend, Sister and fellow Warrior