You are my best friend, my go-to, my person as they say in "Grey's Anatomy" and the fact that you don’t see yourself like I do is heartbreaking.
Well, guess what? It’s my turn to be your cheerleader.
You are kind beyond words. You would do anything for anyone. You take the time out of your day to help others, compliment people and ultimately brighten another person's day.
Not many folks can say that about themselves, you have made my day on so many occasions it is impossible to count. You are witty. I don’t think you truly realize how funny you are because you always have the perfect joke or comeback and they never fail to make me laugh.
You are encouraging. You are my cheerleader. You are always the first person to tell me not to give up. You are there for me in everything I do, telling me how awesome I am and how I will succeed no matter what.
You are extraordinary. I know that whatever you do, you will do with kindness, grace and intelligence.
Most of all I hope whatever you do, you do with confidence. You deserve to believe in yourself 100 percent of the time and even if you don't always feel completely 100 percent, just know I will always be there to boost you up. I know that you will not only succeed in all that you do but you will thrive.