My friend,
I know you're having trouble right now. I know you feel like everything is spiraling out of control. I know you feel like you don't have the ability to find your own path in life. But I can tell you, it gets easier. You have so many people who love and care for you and will support you for the rest of your days.
If you need a friend, I'm only one call away. If you need a shoulder to cry on, I'll make myself short for you. If you need a hug, I'll wrap my arms tightly around you so you can forget the world. If you need some love, I'll let you know you mean the world to me.
Depression is a difficult thing to live with. You know I've been where you are before and you helped me when I was down. And now I will do the same for you. I will keep you from harming yourself. I will keep you from seeing the world as ugly. I will help you realize you're beautiful and worthy of life. That you're not a waste a space or not worthwhile as a person.
Without you, my life would be awful. You keep me smiling and you keep my spirits high. You're such a bubbly person and I know how hard it is for you to stay positive in these dark times but you're doing incredibly well so far. I'm proud of you. Every single day that you carry on and that you stay strong keeps me inspired. If you can stay alive and wake up every day while walking through hell, then I sure can go about any curveball life throws my way.
I know you might see crying as a weakness, but it's not. You've been strong for so long, sometimes you need to breakdown and remind yourself you're human. It's okay to be vulnerable. It's okay to be scared. It's okay to feel negative emotions. You're human. And humans aren't perfect. Depression isn't a weakness, and it's okay to admit you have it. You can ask for help. I promise it's okay to admit you need help.
You're the strongest person I know. You've kept me strong when I was down. You kept me happy even when you were dying inside. Even when you're down, you keep everyone else up. You don't let anyone know you're upset and that is so admirable. I admit that it's so hard to be happy when inside you're so sad. And I admire that you put yourself on the back burner just to make sure your friends are happy.
I love you. You're worth so much. You're worth more than anything and I want you to know that. I will always build you up and make you believe you're beautiful. You're amazing and I want you to realize it. You don't see your beauty or your worth but I do. And for now, I guess that's enough. I will love you until you learn to love yourself, and even past then. Forever, you will be a dear friend to me and the day you learn your worth will be the greatest day of my life.
A Caring Friend.