In life so far, I have made many great friends whom I hope will be around for a lifetime, and then have made some not-so-great friends that I have parted from. All of these friends have taught me many lessons about myself and life, and many continue to. A special kind of friend is the one you don't need to see on a weekly basis to know you are still best friends.
Now with technology at our fingertips, face to face contact is not always necessary. It is allowing long distance friendships to remain intact while away at college and keeping us in contact with family at home. Some people hate how dependent the Millenials seem to be with technology but I do not see it that way. I see it as a way to advance human contact and interaction like never before. We can Facetime and Skype across the ocean, post pictures on the internet for all of our friends and family to see, and have group texting conversations with whole friend groups at once.
Even with all of this technology around, I still have several friends I don't need to see constantly to know we are still best friends. We may have a ridiculous snap streak but typically it is not even for a conversation, but instead its random things throughout our days we find funny.
I went to middle school, high school, and now I go to college with one of these friends. We never fail to have a blast when we hang out but are still able to sustain our friendship without needing to hang out several times a week. When we do see each other in person and actually hang out, it is as if we do see each other every day.
A friend like this is rare to find but I know they will be around for a long time. As we may part our ways geographically in the future, this special kind of friendship can survive not needing to be only a few streets away from each other. Then, when we do come face to face, it will be like there was never any distance in the first place.
If you have one of these special kinds of friends like I do, hold onto them. They are the kind that will always be around for you and will always be able to brighten your day. Do not forget to call them up once in awhile to hang out, but till then, keep that snap streak alive and stay in touch.