Dear Best Friend,
Life was fair enough to let us meet each other, and we were too young to understand the importance of our friendship. Years passed by, many things changed: our hairstyles, the kind of music we listen, our favorite movies and shows, our hobbies, it is a never ending cycle of learning and evolving as human beings, but our friendship did not falter.
When we graduated high school, I decided to go far away to pursue my dreams. I am sure many thought that maybe our friendship would suffer from this decision. I made new friends, you did as well, but it always came back to the fact that we were there for each other, first and always.
I make a promise to never let this friendship go to waste, nor the efforts of keeping it alive. I am always here for you, whether we see each other every day or I am a thousand miles away. It always comes back to my one true friend, through better or worse. I apologize if I ever did something that you did not like. I am sorry if I ever said something that might have offended you. I am truly lucky to have you in my life, and this is something I do not take for granted.
I wish you the best. I hope you get to reach all of your goals. I wish you a long happy life and,(with knowledge that this might sound selfish) I wish I am there, always by your side. No matter how far away from each other we are, no matter what, I wish to be a shoulder you can cry on, and somebody you can rely on, know you can count on me.
Someone who appreciates and loves you very much.