For whatever reasons you temporarily left, please know that I have put that all behind us. It took me a while to realize that in the end, but it doesn't matter because a friendship that has positively impacted my life isn't something worth leaving behind. I don't care if it was your fault, my fault, or the fault of a third party — all that matters is that you are back in my life for good.
At our worst, we would argue day after day. We went months without eye contact, friendly gestures, and a like on an Instagram picture. I'm sorry for the name calling, and I'm sorry for the passive aggressive tweets. I never meant to hurt you, and I know you never did either.
For some time, I had to live my life without you. Although I could keep my head up high, I was left with the gut feeling that something wasn't right. I kept busy by occupying myself with other things, trying to distract myself from the thought of forever losing you.
They say that "distance makes the heart grow fonder," and, well, they were right. Missing you was one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through, but we have become better — smarter, independent — people. We know now that we can live without each other — we just don't want to.
It is a great feeling knowing that one's friendship can withstand separation and go back to what it was like before. Fight or no fight, gaining the trust of a best friend again does not come lightly, but I am beyond thankful that you greeted me with open arms. I am incredibly happy knowing that I can call you just because, go out for dinner whenever, and make inappropriate jokes. I'm most thankful that I know what's happening in your life.
During our months apart, I was torn by the thought of not knowing what was troubling you. I always used to know why you were mad at someone, fighting with your parents, or feeling a little down. Those things might be small or insignificant, but I regret more than anything that I took them for granted.
Down the road, if we find ourselves drifting from each other again, I hope you know that I will always care about you and love you. If you have to call me in the wee hours of the night because you're "just in one of those moods," I'll be there to listen.
I appreciate everything you do for me, as well as the people we have grown to be. We are friends that will last a lifetime, and for that, I would like to say, you're my very best friend.
Sometimes it's healthy to let people who are important to you go, but it's only to realize how much you need them. I, for one, need you. Wherever life takes us, I hope it's together.
Life without you is uneventful — to say the least. I hope I never experience it without your friendship. Thank you so much for everything you do for me.
Your #1 Best Friend