It's the moment you have eagerly been waiting for all summer. You've prepped, packed and doubled checked that list 20 times. You're standing in your driveway with a fully packed car and heart. In this car holds the marker of a new chapter in your life.
Now, there are a few things you have to remember on this much anticipated day and I'm here to walk you through some tips when the excitement becomes overwhelming.
Your mom is going to want to organize your whole stuff her way...let her.
This is a huge day for her too! Her baby is finally leaving the nest. Although you have exactly how you want your room to look perfectly planned out with your future roommate, let the moms do their thing. Remember, once they leave, you can mix and move however you want things to look. They just want to make sure their babies are set up perfect and cozy. This is sort of a calming thing for them, so let the mamas be, it's not worth getting into a fight on this exciting day.
Be the social butterfly you were born to be.
Although the moving in part is extremely overwhelming and stressful, remember to take a break every couple times and venture outside your new room. Introduce yourself, make some friends right off the bat. Trust me, everyone's in the same stressing out boat at this exact time, that's one thing you all can bond over. It's a beautiful start to some new friendships!
Do not pack your entire wardrobe.
The biggest mistake I made was taking all my clothes to school with me. Not only was it a burden having a huge amount of clothes and the tiniest amount of storage, but it was just unnecessary. Go through your clothes and if you haven't worth that shirt in over a year, then leave it home, you defiantly won't wear it.
Do not move the beds until you and your roommate have agreed on a plan.
You don't want to bunk the beds only to have your roommate come a little later to have them definitely not want bunked beds. This is a shared room. You both have to agree on where things go. For some sharing a room is a new experience, so be as kind and patient as you can because this is all part of the experience.
Make sure you thank your parents.
They survived the madness of this day alive and they did it all for you. Make sure you give them a big kiss and hug goodbye when it's all said and done.
Go out that night and meet people.
Don't use the excuse that you're too tired from unpacking all day to go out. This is the first night of your college life! Go out! Meet new people, have some fun and mark the start of your journey.
At the end of the day, the stress, the tears and for some, the blood, will all be worth it. Why? Because you made it! You're finally at college and the excitement is crazy! Enjoy every second of it because before you know it, your freshman year will be over and you'll be packing up to go home, counting the days until you get to come back to school.