This presidential election has been one of the most eye-opening situations for me. America is so whiny. We have the biggest 1st world issues, and we think that even though we have everything we could possibly want, we still need to complain.
I'm not going to lecture anyone, but what I do want to share is my viewpoint.
Yes, women do not have it near as well as men sometimes. We don't get paid as much as they do, some men are still extremely sexist, and sometimes we are looked at as weak.
But, did you ever stop to think about underprivileged countries?
While we are taking the weekend to protest our newly elected president because he made one inappropriate comment (which shouldn't be excused, but I feel like it's slightly been blown out of proportion), drinking our Starbucks, and literally dressing up as vaginas, another woman in a different country is wanting an abortion because her baby is a girl, which in fact is not valued at all in that country. Some woman is not getting the birth control she needs because she is homeless. She has all sorts of infections and diseases because she doesn't have medical care readily available to her. This medical care isn't even 50 miles in radius to her.
We are protesting with nice clothes on, full stomachs, and planning to head back to our warm comfortable home after protesting our awful lives just because we aren't paid equally and sometimes birth control can be pricey. No, it's not fair in the country we live in where we get literally everything handed to us.
But for a second, stop to think about the bigger picture rather than just your bubble.
There are larger things this world needs to tackle and Americans need to acknowledge before we decide to let all hell break loose because we aren't completely equal.
We are at a point where we are more equal to men than we ever have been before... In fact, excuse my french, extreme feminists are oppressing men. Men are being put down and abused for even existing.
While we are fighting for the right to kill our child, a woman in another country is screaming because hers is being ripped out of her own arms.
How bad do we really have it?
We have the right to freedom of speech, while if they even spoke their own opinion, they would be at risk for a death sentence. At risk for acid to be thrown in their face.
We have ways to get the proper care for sexual health while their body parts are mutilated by men.
We live in the land of opportunity. With that being said, we have all of the opportunity to seek out affordable health care. Don't even argue, if you really are seeking out affordable care, you can find it some way.
Even though you "think" that these women's situations are awful and you "wish" you could help them, you aren't. We could help them, though, if we weren't too busy living in our bubble of "extreme oppression".
We are privileged beyond belief, and people have started to forget it.
I'm not telling you to stop urging for a change; I'm just telling you to stop and think about if it's something that will really change and how big of a change can it be? Honestly, I don't think it will ever be enough for us.
We are discriminated against, but we are not the lowest of the food chain in this world.
We have it better than we have ever had it, so please stop and think about how grateful you should be to live in America where you can actually do these things without being killed.
You are always better off than someone else, so we need to stop whining about such minor issues. What we are dealing with in America is only a fraction of what another woman has to deal with elsewhere.