Dear Fitbit Alta in Teal,
Let me start off by apologizing to you. I know I said that I only ate 250 calories the other day and that simply is not true. I ate more. I ate a normal amount. I guess sometimes I forget to tell you important things. That's wrong of me, I'll do better next time...
I also may have said that I drank more water than I actually did, but sometimes math is hard. Just take a deep breath and remember I'm not perfect. That's why I need you. To help me out.
Also, can you stop freaking out when I get phone calls when we're together? It's nothing personal, honest. Sometimes people just call me. That doesn't mean you need to get in a tizzy. Talking on the phone doesn't mean I love you any less.
Now that we've cleaned the air, I want to thank you.
Thank you for waking me up on time. Unlike alarm clocks or phone alarms, you don't jolt me awake with loud beeping or music. You gently wake me and help me feel like I got a good rest. Also, I like that you tell me how I slept and when I was restless. It makes me feel like you really care about my wellbeing. In college, it's nice to know you're worried about me getting enough sleep.
I also want to thank you for not being upset when I don't make my goals, but always being excited when I do meet my goals. Studying stops me from walking as many steps as I should or working out as often or intense as I should. You never yell at me. Yet, any time I do make a goal you are more excited than I am. Your encouragement is wonderful.
I know we have our ups and downs, but having you around has been a good influence on me. I am aware of what I eat and what exercise I do. I understand my sleep and what I need to function properly. I even see what kinds of exercises get the results I want. All of this has been great.
We haven't been together long, but this may be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.