What up fellow Millennials! Please, let me be the first to welcome you to the glorious world of voting! You've probably noticed that America is pretty hype about the forthcoming election season. And for good reason. You, my millennial friend, have an opinion that matters and that scares a lot of our older counterparts. America is currently at a turning point in our political stance; the representatives currently running for presidency are on almost complete opposite sides of the spectrum and our country as we know it is about to change for better or for worse. In previous elections newly eligible voters weren't in the high percentages and therefor were nothing but a small nuisance to the older, more "educated" and "dedicated" American citizens. However, the younger generation is waking up, we can clearly see that the world as we know it will change in the next few years and we're more than usually aware that our vote will help shape this future. I know that it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind and excitement that is american politics so I have a few pointers for any first-time voters out there.
Don't not vote. I cannot stress this enough. VOTE. People seem to think that if they don't vote nothing will happen to them. That's complete bull. Do you live in the U.S.? Yes. Then the outcome of this election will actually affect you. Get off your butt and go vote. Honestly, I don't even care who you're voting for, just vote.
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Don't form your opinion based on your friends' opinions. This is probably the first time in your life that the choice before you is completely, 100% yours to make. Polls are anonymous; no one but YOU will know who you vote for. Feel free to discuss politics and the beliefs/goals of the candidates with your friends but if your best friend is a Hilary supporter but you're sort of feeling the Bern go with your gut. Be your own wind bearer.
Don't read opinionated articles to form your opinion. Go straight to the source to dig up information about the candidates. Don't read a Fox News articles or anything from Buzzfeed and use it as reliable information. The media twists information into whatever they please. Instead of clicking on a highly popular article about the latest debate go to Youtube and actually WATCH the recording of the debate. Write down points that each candidate makes that you find yourself agreeing or disagreeing with. Feel free to further research these points to gather more information. There are a lot of political policies that are confusing to people but instead of doing research to find out what the policy is they'll just agree with whatever side their favorite candidate is on. Do not be that person. Be knowledgeable. Last election season I was lucky enough to be in a government class in school and as a class, we went over every single policy/candidate that was going to be on the ballot. It feels good to get into that voting booth and understand every single thing that is on that piece of paper. Being a confused voter is dangerous, not just for you but for the whole country.
Don't start fights with fellow voters. Everyone gets very defensive during elections. If a Trump supporter and a Hilary Supporter find themselves in the same breathable space they're going to fight the moment they start talking politics. No one likes to be in the middle of a fight. It's not cool and it's actually pretty immature. People have their own opinions and sometimes they're going to differ from your own. Part of growing up is accepting that difference and moving on. Democrats can be friends with Republicans. Facebook has become a breeding ground for political fights and debates.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. I asked my mom numerous questions when I first got to vote. I had no idea what the whole process looked like and I was determined not to mess anything up when I walked into the voting booth. There are no stupid questions and nothing horrible will come from asking.
I wish you all good luck with the election season my young grasshoppers. I would also say that I wish for your candidate to win but I have no clue who you're voting for and I'm pretty partial to my numero uno political guru.