Dear First Semester of College,
Thank you for being so good to me. When I moved into my dorm in September, I had no clue what to expect. I was overwhelmed by everything that was going on and very homesick. I missed my mom, my dad, my bed and not having to wear shoes in the shower. There is no way that I could have imagined the things that you would teach me. I could not have imagined the friends I would gain and the friends that I no longer would call my friends. I could not have imagined the late nights in the library or the late nights spent laughing with my friends. I could not imagine the love and pride that I have in my school. I could not imagine what the end of my first semester would look like, but here I am, at the end of you, not really wanting it to end. I made it. I survived you, but I did not do it alone.
To the friends you helped me make... I have no clue what I would have done without you guys this semester. Thank you for all of the fun times, but thank you for helping me when I was down. All of the good times came because we got each other through the hard times. Four months ago, I did not know you all existed, but you have become such a big part of my life. You all have been such a blessing to me-- always making me smile when I needed it the most. I'm convinced that you all were put into my life for a reason, and I hope you stay for the semesters to come. I have never been as happy as I am now, and I have my friends that I made to thank for that.
To my parents you made me miss... I knew I would miss you guys, but I never thought about the things I would miss the most. Dad, I missed waking up every morning and seeing you drink your coffee. Mom, I missed your smile. But being away from you two only helped me realize how important you are to me. You two are my best friends, and there is nothing I looked forward to more than getting to call you after a long day and hearing your voice tell me that it was going to be just fine. Thank you for allowing me to make so many memories this semester, without you two I would have never had this experience.
To myself... YOU DID IT! You survived your first semester of college and I could not be more proud of you. You went through a lot over the last four months, but you made everything a lesson. You made amazing friends and were there for them when they needed it. You made good grades and made sure you did the best you could do in all of your classes. You grew as a person, and for that, I think you had a good first semester of college. YOU DID IT!
To the library you made me love all too well, I'll miss you over break. To the dining hall I've become too familiar with, I'll miss your food (just kidding). First semester of college, you outdid yourself. You did not happen like I thought you would, but you happened so much better. You helped me grow and better myself, and I will forever be grateful for you. Here's to four of the best months of my life.