To my beloved nephew Jackson Oliver,
You're a mere twenty-eight hours old, and I still can't believe you truly exist. I held you for a total time of forty minutes or so within your small, but growing lifespan outside of mommy. I looked into your eyes, and I rubbed your newborn skin. Everything about you is perfect. There's no denying that. You have the biggest, most piercing blue eyes that just wander constantly around the room, attempting to discover as much as possible. You have a strong neck, tough legs, and a beautiful round tummy. You're. Just. So. Perfect.
But besides complimenting every piece of you as possible, there's a few things I want you to know as you grow even older and mature.
I want to iterate right now that technically, nobody knows you. Who you are, as your own person. Right now, we can only focus on your body language. And let me be the first to say that you're already a sassy buttmunch. At the mention of me getting a picture with you, you rolled your eyes! I blame your father for any repercussions that comes along with that specific trait...
This is something I don't want to admit, but I have no clue what I'm doing. You're my first nephew. Your existence made me into an Auntie Abigail, and that will forever hold a place in my heart. There's a reason behind my confession. I want you to know that we're in this together. We're probably going to peeve mommy and daddy when I give you ice cream right before dropping you off, but that's just inevitable. The point is, we'll learn. Maybe I stink at helping you with baseball, but I rock at helping you study English. Then so be it. You've got a village raising you, supporting your every desire. It'll get worked out, no worries.
But but but! As I say that, just know, as there is in every aspect of your life, there are boundaries. Because I love you so insanely much, I'm going to be extremely protective, as is your tribe. Luckily, your team has been through it all, do we refuse to allow you to go down the certain paths that we made mistakes from going down. We got you!
A little warning though. I'm going to be "that aunt". The one that you wanna pretend and be embarrassed of because I'll smother you with attention and affection constantly, but we both know you secretly adore it. Because, I'm the cool aunt, duh. You can trust me. You're a priority in my life. I'm here for you no matter the situation you may have at hand. You're bound to get angry and say you hate me one day, and that's the day I'll force a hug and kiss out of you in return and tell you that I'll see you tomorrow. You see, I'm stubborn as hell. Lucky you, huh?
One more thing.. Just know that even when all your buddies in grade school ditch you in Jr High, or when you fail your first test, or even class, when you feel absolutely alone in this big, brand new world, know that I accept you, flaws and all. I won't tell you to make it up with your friends, because I know sometimes people suck and that's something you need to decide on your own. I refuse to make you feel lazy, or stupid for failing any test and/or class, because guess what? I've flunked more tests than you have toes and fingers, and I've failed two classes. I promise to be empathetic with anything you throw my way, as much as I can. I'm here for you buddy. You're my marshmallow of a nephew, who is now finally tangible after so many months of waiting.
Love and kisses,
Auntie Abigail