So, you probably don't know me, but in a way, we are very close. I may not live anywhere near you, have the same background, or family, but I can relate to you. I have been suffering with depression for nine years. And though not every form of depression is the same, it leaves the same mark on all of us.
In this letter, I will not say that I am sorry for you, because we both know that we hate that phrase. So don't worry. I'm not going to say that everything will get better, or that everything will be okay, because we hate those phrases too.
I'm here because I simply wanted to talk to you. I know we've never really talked to each other before, but I thought I'd give it a try. Get to know one another. I think we might get along.
First, I would just like to say that I'm proud of you.
I'm so proud of you and all that you are able to do despite the chemicals in your brain that say otherwise. When everyday can be struggle, you and I both manage to accomplish something. It doesn't matter what that something is, it could be anything. I, for one, enjoy that somedays I can get out of bed, take a shower, and feel good enough to wear something nice. Do you ever feel like that?
Like I said, it could be anything. I know that when you feel so heavy that it seems like you'll sink through the ground, it could be hard to get out of bed. But if you can fight it, then you're amazing.
Hey, can I ask you a question?
Do you also feel empty sometimes? Like, one minute, you're just minding your own business, and somehow you start feeling nothing? I don't know if you do, but I feel like that sometimes. I don't want to swear, because I've only just started writing to you, so I'll use safe words, like, it's a pretty 'crappy' feeling.
Because, you're just minding your own business and then depression decides to come knocking. When the emptiness leaves, sometimes I get mad at myself for 'letting' it happen, even though I know there's no way to stop it.
I know people who've gone on medication, but I'm scared to do that too. I can't quite decide if I'm more scared of the depression or the medication sometimes.
#depressionproblems, huh?
Sorry, bad joke.
I'm sorry that I've been talking so much. How are you? Was today a good day, or one of the bad ones? You don't have to tell me, but just know that I am here for you, in whatever capacity that you need me. I hope you know that. Just because we haven't officially met each other, that doesn't mean that I can't be there for you.
Do you like funny/cute cat things?
via">https://giphy.com/gifs/cat-kitten-pets-vAHZ9rc8rY8... GIPHY
If you don't, that's okay. I have some dog ones!via">https://giphy.com/gifs/barkpost-cute-omg-puppies-X... GIPHY
I hope those made you smile. I bet you have nice smile.Anyway, not to keep you all day, but I hope you like the letter. I wasn't sure how to write it at first. I hope you're smiling where ever you are.
All my love,
A Fellow Depression Sufferer.