Hi there. How are you? Pretty stressed, I assume. We all are. School just started and though graduation isn't that far away, it sure seems like the day will never come. You're majoring in something people tell you fits your personality perfectly, yet you question if it's right for you quite often. I mean, you have switched at least once by now. It's not just graduating you're concerned about. Will I get a decent job out of college? Will I be able to pay off my boatload of student loans? Do I go for my master's or get right into the work world? Will I work to live, or live to work?
If you're not in school, then your job is probably stressful. Your hours suck and you're sure your boss hates you. You don't know if you will ever move up in the company, and some days feel like they never end. You know you're an asset, yet feel unappreciated and misunderstood. You either still live with your parents or just recently moved out. You can drink, and are obligated to pay taxes, yet struggle to remember to do your laundry and dread "adulting" in general. When you're relaxing, you feel lazy, but when you're busy, you feel like you have no time left to do what you want to do. You yearn for adventure and fun, yet find difficulty in balancing it with everything else going on around you. You feel like you were just in high school, yet friends are flooding your entire Facebook news feed with engagement announcements and baby pictures.You're stuck in this weird stage of life, and it feels like you're the only one. The only one confused. The only one feeling lost. The only one just not sure about it all.
But I'm here to tell you that it is okay. It is okay to feel unsure. It is okay to feel uncomfortable and scared. This is what becoming an adult is about. It's about trials and tribulations. It's about failing, but swiftly getting back up and learning from it. We don't have it figured all out yet, and that is okay. One day, it won't be called "adulting." We will actually do all that responsible stuff naturally! Weird, right? Until then, it's totally acceptable to have lazy days. It's alright to go out a few nights in a row. Just know that we are all where you are. You are not alone and you are not crazy. You are simply a 20-something beginning to understand how the world around you works and where you fit in. Don't spend your time worrying if the degree path you're on is right for you. Don't take time stressing over work. Instead, take each day one step at a time. Put as much effort as you can into all your endeavors. Weigh your opinion of yourself more heavily than the opinion of others. Appreciate the growth you are experiencing and realize all the good around you. Be sincere and own what you do. Everything will fall into place. It may be totally different than what you imagined, but it will all fall into place.
Smile and enjoy these years. You're all good.
A Fellow 20-Something