You have kept me company for as long as I can remember. Sure, through the years, you changed from “fear of clowns and the dark” to “fear of failure and what others might say;” but you have always stuck around. Thanks to you, I have doubted myself countless times. Funnily enough, you have made me wonder if maybe I’m aspiring for too much, if I’m following the right path, if others will think I’m a crazy dreamer and even if I’m good enough. Unwillingly, I have ceded you way too much power over me and have let you take control of many aspects of my life, and this has to stop.
From now on, we have to go separate ways. I have now decided to embrace every setback and take it as an opportunity rather than a hardship. Because believe me, all the obstacles that I may encounter in life will make getting to the finish line way more gratifying than just sitting on the bleachers, watching everyone take risks.
Yeah, I probably have really high expectations for myself, and I might be aiming too high, but I can gladly say that I will not let you determine the route that I take in life. You have to understand that I can’t worry about stereotypes and what others might expect from me because my dreams simply don’t fit that mold.
You have followed me around for so long that I am truly surprised how easy it is for me to say that I don’t care about you anymore. I know you’ll probably visit me again when situations get rough, but trust me, I will not let myself welcome you again. So I say goodbye to you, be certain that there’s no longer space for you in my life because I refuse to sit back and watch my dreams slip away.
My dearest fear of failure, I am letting go of you.