Little Brother,
I still call you my little brother, even though you're not so little anymore. I used to deny to my last breath that you were growing taller than me--that is until you became a good head taller and I couldn't dismiss the obvious anymore. It has become a running joke in our family and something that I still roll my eyes and laugh at.
I am a midget now. I get it.
Not only are you towering over me, you're also getting up there in age. I still feel like I was the one who was just seventeen, graduating high school, trying to figure out where to go and what to do next; there is no possible way that you could be graduating in a few semesters' time. It's thrilling and amazing...and nerve-racking. Because I know what's out there after you leave that bubble, and I also know what you're planning on doing in a couple of years. Both scare the shit out of me.
I've been sitting here, shaking my head at what idiots we were in high school. If someone were to look close enough, they would be able to see a scar or two on your face, proving our seventeen years and counting together have not been all rainbows and puppy dogs.
I remember our mom asking our cousins when they became best friends because we weren't quite there yet (not that we didn't have more good days than bad).
"When they drive to school together in the morning."
That wasn't exactly it. The answer to that question ended up being when I moved away for college, or should I say when you moved back away from me for high school. Either way, our ties were cut.
I wish we didn't wait that long. I wish we had been best friends all throughout high school. But then again, you were way too cool for me anyway. Yes, I still remember you ignoring me when I passed you in the halls. Insert word that I unfortunately cannot put in this article. (I'll include the fact that our high school was packed and your listening skills aren't exactly up to par. That helps you out a bit, but not much.)
It's scary how protective I've become over you. We've each had our fair share of heartaches and friends we would like to forget. I wish I could shield you from all of that nonsense, but I don't have that power. So just know that I will always have your back and I am always just a phone call away (if I actually answer...I'm working on it, okay).
You told me once that I doubt myself too much. I could sit here in denial as long as I'd like, but your words wouldn't have stuck with me this long if they weren't so true. I'm really trying to fix that. Keyword: trying. Whenever I'm hesitant about doing something, I think of you and all of the...choice would be using to describe my pathetic state. Instead of thinking too much, I just do it.
That's how siblings roll. We tell it like it is. We know the other is right, even when we won't admit it ourselves--especially when we won't admit it ourselves. We don't aim to break; our words are only meant to make each other better, stronger. And we always have our arms out to catch the other when they inevitably fall.
If you didn't blurt those words out that one day, you probably wouldn't be reading this right now. Who's to say that anyone would be reading anything that I've written. I owe you for that.
You used to get mad at me for not being girly enough. You smashed my poor car in and left it plastered with duct tape. You could not get up in the morning for the life of you. Your messages back to me are only one word. You never actually listen to a word I say, even though I blabber all the time. You left me up here.
But you didn't make fun of me when I tried to be a hockey player. You let me steal your sweatpants. You'd go exploring. You let me be one of the guys. You kept my notes and letters. You never held my mistakes against me. You were so patient with me. You are my other half.
I love that we always tell the other we love them before we leave to do anything. Going to bed, going to work, going to town. It has become a force of habit, I suppose, since we never really know when we're going to see each other again. It's bittersweet, but when you only get to see that person for a couple of weeks out of the year, you have to make up for all the time that you've missed.
After all, I am "your girl" and you're "my boy" for life (lol)
I'll end this how we always do...I love you, little man. Don't screw up.
-Your Favorite Sister Ever (by default, of course)